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Russia Welcomes Iraq's Submission
Russia on Sunday welcomed Iraq's submission of an arms declaration to the United Nations and viewed it as Iraq's positive attitude which was also confirmed by "continued normal cooperation in conducting international inspection activities" in the Middle East country.

"The Iraqi government has submitted a declaration clarifying all the aspects of its chemical, biological and nuclear weapons programs, ballistic missiles and other means of weapons' delivery,as well as related non-military programs, in compliance with UN Security Council Resolution 1441," Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Iraq's timely submission of the declaration, parallel to its continuous cooperation with the international weapons inspectors, "confirms its commitment to act in compliance with Resolution 1441," the ministry said.

The resolution 1441, which was unanimously passed by the UN Security Council on November 8, requires Iraq to submit, not laterthan 30 days, an accurate, full and complete declaration of its programs to develop weapons of mass destruction and other arms delivery systems.

Iraq has repeatedly denied any processing or stocking of chemical, biological or nuclear weapons. It, however, handed over the declaration to UN weapons inspectors in Baghdad on Saturday, ahead of a Sunday deadline imposed by the resolution.

The ministry said it will take "some time" to study the Iraqi declaration in detail. Experts' conclusion on whether the documentis complete and accurate will be available after examination by the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission in Iraq (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).

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