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Senior Chinese Party Official Starts Visit to Armenia

Luo Gan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Chinese Communist Party Central Committee, arrived in the Armenian capital of Yerevan on Sunday to kick off his goodwill visit to the country.

Luo came here after visiting Iceland and Finland. Armenia is the third leg of his four-nation tour, which will also bring him to Moldova.

In a written statement upon his arrival at the airport, Luo said that traditional Sino-Armenian friendship has been strengthened since the two countries established diplomatic relations over 10 years ago. Armenia became independent from the former Soviet Union in 1990.

Noting that the Sino-Armenian relations have entered their best phase, Luo stressed that China is willing to make joint efforts with Armenia to improve the sound relations to a higher level in the new century.

He indicated that the purpose of his visit is to increase understanding, strengthen friendship and expand cooperation.

Luo is expected to meet Armenian President Robert Kocharyan, Prime Minister Andranik Margarian and other leaders.

(Xinhua News Agency September 15, 2003)

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