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Bush Tries to Push Same Old Rhetoric

WASHINGTON: In speaking out for Arab democracy, US President George W. Bush is trying to win sympathy for his Iraq policy at home, as much if not more than to reform the Middle East.

That's what analysts said following Bush's speech last Thursday, in which he challenged countries such as Iran, Syria and Egypt to liberalize their political systems so that freedom can reign in the Middle East.

But he was also delivering a message to American voters, whom polls indicate are beginning to doubt the wisdom of the decision to invade Iraq in March, the analysts said.

Arabs greeted the speech with scorn, noting that Bush did not mention the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory or his decision to take the United States to war in Iraq.

"The main purpose of the speech is clearly domestic because he now has to put the war in a principled framework," said an Arab diplomat, who asked not to be named.

The US occupation of Iraq has proved far more costly in casualties and money than officials had predicted. The last few weeks have been especially violent, with more than 40 American troops killed since October 20.

Saturday's bombing of a compound housing mainly foreigners in the Saudi capital Riyadh came as a bloody reminder of the breadth of instability in the region. The al-Qaida terror network is suspected of planning and carrying out the attack, which killed at least 11 and injured 122.

Bush is working to shore up confidence in his Iraq policy and his war against terrorism, which could have a big impact on his chances of re-election in November next year.

When the United States invaded Iraq last March, the Bush administration at first contended the main aim was to dismantle President Saddam Hussein's alleged weapons of mass destruction and end alleged co-operation between Saddam and al-Qaida.

No weapons of mass destruction have been found, nor has any conclusive evidence of links with al-Qaida been discovered.

The administration then argued the war was for the good of the Iraqis, who had suffered so much under Saddam. Since then, armed opposition to the United States has increased and the rising casualties and cost seem to many Americans to outweigh any benefits.

"Bush's message will have more of an audience at home than abroad. Here the message will resonate, but in the Middle East they will see it as a distraction from other problems they are facing," said Middle East expert Shibley Telhami, a senior follow at Washington's Brookings Institution.

Bush's speech adopted many of the talking points of the pro-Israeli neo-conservative group in and around the administration, which believes that a strong foreign policy backed by force is good for the United States and Israel.

"The United States has adopted a new policy, a forward strategy of freedom in the Middle East," Bush declared, adding that this strategy required the same energy and persistence the United States devoted to post-war Japan and Germany.

In the days following the speech, officials have been unable to give examples of anything that would change in the US approach to the region, which for decades has been dominated by the need to ensure oil supplies and the security of Israel.

Asked how Washington would implement the strategy, State Department spokesman Richard Boucher cited such old programmes as the Millennium Challenge Account, which rewards poor countries for good governance, and the Middle East Partnership Initiative, which backs civil society projects.

Asked if the United States would take any punitive action against undemocratic governments, Boucher said it would naturally have deeper relationships with countries that are "moving toward freedom" and have open economies.

(China Daily November 12, 2003) 

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