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Shooting at Chinese Fishing Boat 'Severe Incident': FM

China lodged representations to the Foreign Ministry of Vietnam Sunday on the Chinese fishing boats being chased and shot by Vietnamese armed boats.

"Chasing after and shooting at fishing boats under normal operation should be regarded as a severe incident," said a spokesperson from Chinese Foreign Ministry, adding that the Vietnamese side should stop the action.

China made contacts with the Vietnamese side and lodged representations shortly after being informed of the incident on Saturday. At the same time, the Chinese Embassy to Vietnam also made representations to the Vietnamese Foreign Ministry and requested that the Vietnamese side stop the action mentioned above, according to the spokesperson.

So far one of the two Chinese boats involved in the incident has returned and the other one is still missing and efforts to search for the missing one is underway.

"We will continue to express our concern for the incident. At the same time, we also request that the Vietnamese side provide cooperation in searching for the missing boat, make explanations for the incident, earnestly take measures to prevent the similar incidents from recurring and maintain the order of normal fishing operation in the Beibu Bay," said the spokesperson.

(Xinhua News Agency September 29, 2003)

Detained Fisherboat Trap Seven Chinese in Vietnam
Missing Chinese Fishing Boat Detained by Vietnam
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