Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry
and Fishery and Related Indices
Data in value terms in this table are calculated at current prices, while the indices are calculated at comparable prices.
Year Gross Output Value of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery (100 million yuan) Indices of Gross Output of Farming, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery (preceding year=100)
  Total   Farming   Forestry   Animal Husba-ndry   Fishery   Total   Farming   Forestry   Animal Husba- ndry   Fishery
1978 1397.0 1117.5 48.1 209.3 22.1

1980 1922.6 1454.1 81.4 354.2 32.9 101.4 99.7 112.2 107.0 107.7
1985 3619.5 2506.4 188.7 798.3 126.1 103.4 99.8 104.5 117.2 118.9
1990 7662.1 4954.3 330.3 1967.0 410.6 107.6 108.0 103.1 107.0 110.0
1991 8157.0 5146.4 367.9 2159.2 483.5 103.7 100.9 108.0 108.8 107.6
1992 9084.7 5588.0 422.6 2460.5 613.6 106.4 104.2 107.7 108.8 115.3
1993 10995.5 6605.1 494.0 3014.4 882.0 107.8 105.2 108.0 110.8 118.4
1994 15750.5 9169.2 611.1 4672.0 1298.2 108.6 103.2 108.9 116.7 120.0
1995 20340.9 11884.6 709.9 6045.0 1701.3 110.9 107.9 105.0 114.8 119.4
1996 22353.7 13539.8 778.0 6015.5 2020.4 109.4 107.8 105.7 111.4 114.0
1997 23788.4 13852.5 817.8 6835.4 2282.7 106.7 104.5 103.3 110.1 111.5
1998 24541.9 14241.9 851.3 7025.8 2422.9 106.0 104.9 102.9 107.4 108.8
1999 24519.1 14106.2 886.3 6997.6 2529.0 104.7 104.3 103.2 104.6 107.2
2000 24915.8 13873.6 936.5 7393.1 2712.6 103.6 101.4 105.4 106.3 106.5
2001 26179.6 14462.8 938.8 7963.1 2815.0