Number of Railway Passenger Coaches and Freight Cars Owned
1978 1985 1990 1995 1998 1999 2000
Passenger Coaches (coach) 14844 20872 27261 32404 34246 34535 35989
Soft Berth Coaches 435 679 1061 1537 1926 1975 2055
Hard Berth Coaches 2155 2633 4351 7607 9182 9443 10139
Soft Seat Coaches 78 260 330 574 750 756 764
Hard Seat Coaches 8888 13700 17503 18076 17273 17156 17571
Soft and Hard Seat Coaches 131 114 63 35 25 25 25
Dining Cars 820 1221 1520 1695 1795 1774 1847
Luggage and Post Cars 1149 1498 1686 1949 2092 2107 2144
Business Cars 85 87 77 87 70 69 69
Simple and Substitute Cars 528 79 42 9

Others 575 601 628 835 1133 1230 1375
Freight Cars (coach) 250138 300886 364966 432731 439326 436236 439943
Grouped by Type of Car

Covered Cars 40054 52667 66668 80437 85373 89935 92569
Open Cars 150745 185684 232999 268179 257172 248243 252977
Flat Cars 20747 18753 18726 27461 30686 28559 24685
Hazardous Materials Cars

1229 1580 1578 1578 1578
Tank Cars 33045 31837 33646 37119 37191 37486 37778
Refrigerator Cars 2439 3991 5150 7030 8051 7988 7909
Others 3108 7944 6548 10925 19275 22447 22447
Grouped by Capacity of Car

20 Tons and Under 1400 1476 949 1458

25-40 Tons 44409 21520 8699 8786 5987 (1) 8005 7765
50 Tons 106792 104456 92442 48287 19560 15857 15799
51-59 Tons 18068 16544 15500 27951      
60 Tons 72453 153198 238680 342086 323976 315984 307521
65 Tons 3380 1571 6825 3546 84360 (2) 90956 103431
73 Tons and Over 294 306 329 385 5443 (3) 5434 5427
Others 3342 1815 1542 232

Total Loading Capacity of Freight Cars (10 000 tons) 1230.2 1612.5 2055.3 2502.9 2614.0 2595.8 2619.9
Average Marked Loading Capacity per Car (ton) 49.8 53.9 56.6 57.9 59.5 59.5 59.6
a) Statistics on freight cars are based on marked loading capacity of cars since 1997, resulting in the adjustment of
grouping of cars. Data marked with (1) refer to cars with a loading capacity of 40 tons and less (including 20 tons and less),
data marked with (2) refer to cars with a loading capacity of 61,tons, and with (3) refer to cars with a loading capacity of
70 tons and over. The same as in the following years.