Postal and Telecommunications Services Facilities (Year end)
Year   Number of P- ost and Telecommu-nica tions Offices   Number of P-ost Boxes   Length of
  Rural Delivery Routes (km)
      Postal Routes (km)   Highway Routes   Railway Ro-utes  
1978 49623
596991 572204 150249 4266291
1980 49471 159009 598245 582058 150819 4138879
1985 53107 174678 1416303 663016 182178 3565758
1986 52777 176843 1535898 703542 201919 3506131
1987 52882 179213 1535690 695384 199883 3497911
1988 52881 180085 1557762 681409 199095 3443058
1989 53092 178289 1526073 675352 196178 3389374
1990 53629 181877 1618200 676747 191313 3364861
1991 54006 181939 1603344 685759 185872 3371424
1992 54891 183289 1646931 712367 189359 3374556
1993 57005 187966 1760506 727380 189704 3377769
1994 60447 193902 1781787 757931 187871 3364730
1995 61898 203011 1886082 819412 183036 3345848
1996 72496 217235 2118940 917151 183884 3358051
1997 79273 231337 2363108 873688 186382 3402946
1998 102225 234716 2853942 930622 189652 3361484
1999 66649 232674 2979007 989122 190056 3348054
2000 58400          
2001 57100