Total Retail Sale of Consumer Goods by Location of Retailers
(100 million yuan)
  Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods   City
  County   Under Coun- ty Level
1952 276.8

1957 474.2

1962 604.0

1965 670.3

1970 858.0

1975 1271.1

1978 1558.6

1980 2140.0 733.6 399.4 1007.0
1985 4305.0 1874.5 737.2 1693.3
1986 4950.0 2018.0 902.0 2030.0
1987 5820.0 2427.0 1030.0 2363.0
1988 7440.0 3260.8 1264.3 2914.9
1989 8101.4 3666.8 1329.5 3105.1
1990 8300.1 3888.6 1337.4 3074.1
1991 9415.6 4529.8 1491.2 3394.6
1992 10993.7 5470.3 1689.8 3833.6
1993 12462.1 7224.9 2039.5 3197.7
1994 16264.7 9661.2 2407.2 4196.3
1995 20620.0 12376.7 2919.6 5323.7
1996 24774.1 14951.2 3280.0 6542.9
1997 27298.9 16650.4 3500.1 7148.4
1998 29152.5 17825.2 3681.9 7645.4
1999 31134.7 19091.6 3892.5 8150.6
2000 34152.6 21110.3 4217.2 8825.1
2001 37595.2 23543.4 4583.2 9468.6
a) Figures before 1993 referred to retail sales of commodities. Same in following tables.
b) The sum of provincial figures do not add up to the national total, as the national total was
adjusted. Same in following tables.