Basic Conditions of Postal and Telecommunications Services
Indicator Unit
1985 1990 1995 1998 1999 2000 2001
Business volume of postal

and telecommunications service

Total business volume of postal
and telecommunications services 100 million yuan 29.6 81.65 988.85 2431.21 3311 4792.70 4556.27
Business volume of postal service
100 million yuan

113.34 166.28 198.4 232.80 457.42
Business volume of
telecommunications service 100 million yuan     875.51 2264.94 3112.6 4559.90 4098.95
Number of letters
100 million yuan
46.78 54.87 79.55 65.51 60.5 77.71 86.90
Number of Parcels
10,000 pieces
7612.7 9690.1 15641.2 9726.5 9741.9 9600.3  
Express mails
10,000 pieces

343.3 5562.7 7331.8 9091.8 11031.4 12652.7
Newspaper and magazine circulation
10,000 copies
30172 20078 21688.6 22989.3 25035.2 20089.7 21811
Number of long distance telephone calls
38254 116292 1013966 1825941 1942000 2107542 21998
Number of paging service subscribers

43.7 1739.2 3908.2 4718 4884.3 3606.0
Number of mobile telephone subscribers

1.8 362.9 2386.3 4324 8453.3 14522.0
Internet users

7213 676755 890000 -  
Year-end number of local
telephone subscribers 10,000 312 685 4070.6 8742.1 10880.7 14485.0 18036.8
Urban telephone subscribers
219 538.4 3263.6 6259.8 7462.8 9311.6 11193.7
Residential telephone subscribers
4.1 152.7 2358.4 4911.1 5883.6 7219.4 8535.3
Rural telephone subscribers
93.1 146.6 807 2482.3 3417.9 5171.3 6843.1
Residential telephone subscribers
2 30.7 551.4 2070.7 2949.9 4597.8 6197.7
Public telephone users
2.7 4.6 85 259.5 300.8 352.0 346.2

offices and routes/lines

Number of post and

telecommunications offices

53107 53629 61898 102225 66649 58437 57136
Length of postal routes
and rural delivery routes km 4982061 4983061 5231930 6215426 6327100 6430000 6595300
Highway routes
663016 676747 819412 930622 989122 -  
Railway routes
182178 191313 183036 189652 190056 -  
Number of long distance telephone lines

37551 112437 735545 1576483 1760000 2201746 33944000
Length of long distance optical cable lines

3334 106882 194100 250000 286642 399082
Telecommunications equipment

Capacity of long

distance telephone exchanges
10,000 terminals
1.15 16.14 351.88 449.16 493 563.55 703.58
Capacity of local office
telephone exchanges 10,000 lines 613.44 1231.82 7203.59 13823.66 16000 17826.7 20532
Central State-owned
10,000 lines
336.54 826.05 5456.35 9951.35 11000 13307.2  
Local State-owned
10,000 lines
276.91 405.77 1747.24 3872.31 5000 4519.5  
Number of telephones
(including mobile telephones) 10,000 sets 625.98 1233.16 5762.26 13123.43 17000 25604.8 35339
Central State-owned
10,000 sets
476.11 1026.1 4346.32 7963.28
Local State-owned
10,000 sets
149.87 205.23 1152.06 2773.86 7600 4518.9  
Notes: 1. The total business volume of postal and telecommunications service is based on the 1990 fixed price.
2. As of 1999, post and telecommunications office became post office.