Main Indicators of Stock Market
Unit: 100 million yuan
Type Unit
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
Number of companies listed on

domestic stock market (A and B shares)

323 530 745 851 949 1088 1160
Total issued capital
100 million shares 848.4 1219.5 1942.7 2526.8 3089 3791.7 5218.0
Total market value of stocks
100 million yuan 3474.3 9842.4 17529.2 19505.6 26471.2 48090.9 43522.2
Turnover of securities transactions
100 million yuan 65427.8 57409.4 83657.5 67379.7 72758.3 60826.7 38305.0
Value of national debts
100 million yuan 1510.9 1847.8 2411.8 3228.8 4015 4657.0
Value of corporate bonds
100 million yuan 300.8 268.9 255.2 67379.7 200 83.0
Volume of capital raised from stocks
100 million yuan 150.3 425.1 1293.8 3228.8 944.6 2103.1 1168.0
Volume of securities investment funds
100 million yuan

147.9 505 562.0 804.0
Shanghai composite index (close)
% 555.3 917 1194.1 1146.7 1366.6 2073.5 1646.0
Shenzhen composite index (close)
% 113.2 327.5 381.3 343.9 402.2 635.7 475.9
Number of investment accounts
10,000 1242.5 2307.2 3333.3 3911.1 4481.2 5801.1 6650.4
Total turnover of future transactions
100 million yuan 100565 84119.1 61170.7 36967.2 22343 16082.3 30145.0
Note: The volume of securities transactions includes stocks, bonds and securities investment funds.