Basic Conditions of Urban Households
1985 1990 1995 1998 1999 2000
Number of Households Surveyed (household) 24338 35660 35520 39080 40044 42220
Average Household Size (person) 3.89 3.50 3.23 3.16 3.14 3.13
Average Number of Employed Persons per            
Household (persons) 2.15 1.98 1.87 1.80 1.77 1.68
Percentage of Employment per Household (%) 55.27 56.57 57.89 56.98 56.43 53.67
Number of Persons Supported by Each Employee

including the employee himself or herself (person) 1.81 1.77 1.73 1.75 1.77 1.86
Per Capita Annual Income (yuan) 748.92 1522.79 4288.09 5458.34 5888.77 6316.81
Disposable Income 739.08 1510.16 4283.00 5425.05 5854.02 6279.98
Wages of Staff & Workers in State-owned Units 455.88 857.59 2590.03 3288.71 3448.40 3500.63
Wages of Staff and Workers in Collective-owned            
Units and Units of Other Type of Ownership 113.52 170.39 400.40 517.49 560.00 582.15
Other Income of Staff and Workers from            
Their Working Units 44.88 99.11 228.67

Income of Individual Laborers 10.20 18.71 90.60 186.65 221.92 348.20
Income of Re-employed Retirees 4.56 15.51 42.86 57.34 60.39 60.74
Income of Other Employees 1.95 3.79 8.44 11.79 15.58 30.96
Part-time Income 12.36 22.61 96.91 174.00 190.87 197.74
Property Income 3.74 15.60 90.43 132.87 128.65 128.38
Transfer Income 65.88 250.01 734.83 1083.04 1257.17 1211.86
Other Income 35.95 69.46 4.92 6.45 5.79 256.16
Per Capita Annual Living Expenditures for            
Consumption (yuan) 673.20 1278.89 3537.57 4331.61 4615.91 4998.00
Food 351.72 693.77 1766.02 1926.89 1932.10 1958.31
Clothing 98.04 170.90 479.20 480.86 482.37 500.46
Household Facilities, Articles and Service 57.87 108.45 296.94 356.83 395.48 439.29
Medicine and Medical Service 16.71 25.67 110.11 205.16 245.59 318.07
Transportation and Communications 14.39 40.51 171.01 257.15 310.55 395.01
Recreation, Education & Cultural Service 55.01 112.26 312.71 499.39 567.05 627.82
Residence 32.23 60.86 250.18 408.39 453.99 500.49
Miscellaneous Commodities and Services 47.23 66.57 151.39 196.95 228.79 258.54
a) Data in Tables 5 to 14 are obtained from the sample survey on income and expenditures of urban households.
b) From 1997, other income of staff and workers from their working units was canceled and its value had
been divided in the wages of staff and workers in state-owned units or in collective owned units.
c) From 1992, Special income was canceled. Its main value had been divided in the transfer income and other
minor value had in other income.