How is the number of deputies to local people's congresses, at various levels, defined? |
The number of deputies to the local people's congresses, at various
levels, is determined in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) The base number of deputies to the people's congress of a
province, autonomous region or municipality under the central
government is 350. For a province, autonomous region or
municipality, one more deputy may be added for every 150,000
people. For a municipality directly under central government, one
more deputy may be added for every 25, 000 people. However, if the
population of a province exceeds 100 million, the total number of
its deputies must not exceed 1,000.
(2) The base number of deputies to the people's congress of a city
divided into districts or an autonomous prefecture is 240. One more
deputy may be added for every 25,000 people. However, if the
population of the city or autonomous prefecture exceeds 10 million,
the total number of its deputies must not exceed 650.
(3) The base number of deputies to the people's congress of a
county, autonomous county, city not divided into districts or
municipal district is 120. One more deputy may be added for every
5,000 people. If the population exceeds 1.65 million, the total
number of deputies must not exceed 450. If the population is less
than 50,000, the total number of deputies may be less than 120.
(4) The base number of deputies to the people's congress of a
township, a township inhabited mostly by ethnic minorities or a
town, is 40. One more deputy may be added for every 1,500 people.
If the population of a township exceeds 90,000, the total number of
its deputies must not exceed 100. If the population of a town
exceeds 130,000, the total number of its deputies must not exceed
130. If the population of a township, or a town, with less than
2,000 people, the total number of its deputies may be less than 40.