冯小刚 Feng Xiaogang |
Feng Xiaogang is a Chinese film director noted for his humorous films and New Year celebration films, which have won him many fans.
Feng was born in Beijing in August 1958. He has been interested in art and literature since he was a child. After graduating from high school, Feng worked in the Art Troupe of Beijing Military Command as a stage designer. Later he joined the army. In 1984 he was transferred to the trade union of the Beijing Urban Construction and Development Corporation, where he worked as a secretary in charge of recreational activities. In 1985 he was transferred to the Beijing TV Art Center where he was promoted to an art director. In the late 1980s he was introduced by his friend Ge You to the Shanghai Film Festival, where he formally began his film-making career.
The first film Feng wrote and directed was "Unexpected Passion" in 1991. It had four nominations at the China Golden Rooster Awards, the most revered awards in Chinese films. In 2001, his movie "Big Shot's Funeral" won Best Film at the Hundred-Flowers Awards, a prestigious award chosen by audiences, while "A Sigh" took home Best Film at the Cairo International Film Festival. Feng won a Golden Rooster award for Best Director for his 2007 film "The Assembly." One of his latest films, "Aftershock" took home three awards at the 2011 Asian Film Festival, for Best Visual Effects, Highest Box Office and Best Actress.
Feng's New Year celebration films have become a brand name in the past years. "The Dream Factory" (1997), "Be There or Be Square" (1998), "Sorry Baby" (1999), "Big Shot's Funeral" (2001), "A World Without Thieves" (2004), "If You Are the One" (2008), and "If You Are the One II" (2010) have made him the most prolific director in Chinese mainland. "If You Are the One II," which brought in 600 million yuan at the box office, established him as the king of the Chinese box office. Critics have said that Feng has found a way for the commercialization of national cinema and injected vitality into a sluggish Chinese film market.
冯小刚的作品诙谐幽默。 他尤其以京味儿十足的调侃式喜剧著称,代表作是1991年的《编辑部的故事》,作品问世后使其成为中国家喻户晓的、最受欢迎的电视连续剧编剧。甚至有评论称,冯小刚的创作精神和雄厚实力在相当长的一段时期内将引领中国内地主流电影和电视剧的走向。
Feng's writing style is humorous and full of wit. He is particularly celebrated for his comedies written in Beijing vernacular about Beijing people and their ways and customs, especially in the TV series "Stories From the Editorial Board" in 1991, which catapulted him to fame. Critics say Feng's creativity and strong financial resources are a trend for mainstream Chinese film and TV culture.
Feng was born to a non-wealthy family in suburban Beijing. His father was a college professor and his mother was a factory nurse. His parents divorced when he was very young. He was brought up by his mother and sister. Feng married a nurse in 1984 and divorced in 1999. The same year, Feng met and married actress Xu Fan (徐帆). Feng has a daughter from his first marriage and adopted a daughter with Xu in 2009.
Feng has suffered from vitiligo and heart disease for many years. Constant overworking caused him to faint during a CCTV interview.
"I am a director from citizens. My movies are based on the perspective of citizens, to perform the aspiration of citizens, and to live up to the expectation of citizens to the full," Feng has said.
《遭遇激情》 'Unexpected Passion' (1991) [writer/director]
《编辑部的故事》 'Stories From the Editorial Board' (1991) [writer]
《大撒把》 'After Separation' (1993) [writer]
《北京人在纽约》 'A Native of Beijing in New York' (1993) [director]
《永失我爱》 'Gone Forever With My Love' (1994) [writer/director]
《天生胆小》 'Born Coward' (1994) [writer]
《阳光灿烂的日子》 'In the Heat of the Sun' (1994) [actor]
《一地鸡毛》 'Chicken Feathers Everywhere' (1995) [director]
《情殇》 'Elege for Love' (1995) [director]
《甲方乙方》 'The Dream Factory' (1997) [director/actor]
《不见不散》 'Be There or Be Square' (1998) [writer/director]
《没完没了》 'Sorry Baby' (1999) [director]
《冤家父子》 'Papa' (2000) [writer/actor]
《一声叹息》 'A Sigh' (2001) [writer/director]
《大腕》 'Big Shot's Funeral' (2001) [writer/director]
《谁说我不在乎》 'The Marriage Certificate' (2001) [actor]
《手机》 'Cell Phone' (2003) [director/producer]
《卡拉是条狗》 'Cala, My Dog!' (2003) [producer]
《天下无贼》 'A World Without Thieves' (2004) [writer/director]
《功夫》 'Kung Fu Hustle' (2004) [actor]
《童梦奇缘》 'Wait 'Til You're Older' (2005) [actor]
《求求你,表扬我》 'Gimme Kudos' (2005) [producer]
《夜宴》 'The Banquet' (2006) [director]
《集结号》 'The Assembly' (2007) [director]
《破事儿》 'Trivial Matters' (2007) [actor]
《非诚勿扰》 'If You Are the One' (2008) [writer/director]
《建国大业》 'The Founding of a Republic' (2009) [actor]
《风声》 'The Message' (2009) [executive producer]
《唐山大地震》 'Aftershock' (2010) [director]
《让子弹飞》 'Let the Bullets Fly' (2010) [actor]
《非诚勿扰2》 'If You Are the One II' (2010) [writer/director]
(China.org.cn by Li Jingrong May 9, 2011)
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