加班 jiā bān: work overtime 
工作 gōng zuò: work, job 
完成 wán chéng: finish, complete 
搞定 gǎo ding: get something done, have something well done 
公司 gōng sī: company 
出差 chū chāi: go on a business trip 
期间 qī jiān: period 
发短信 fā duǎn xìn: send short messages to somebody, message somebody 
及时 jí shí: timely 
联系 lián xì: contact, keep in touch 
财务部 cái wù bù: financial department 
报销 bào xiāo: reimbursement, reimburse 
单据 dān jù: receipt, document 
整理 zhěng lǐ: have something prepared, have something placed 
申请 shēn qǐng: ask for, apply for 
预支 yù zhī: pay or get in advance 
费用 fèi yong: expenses 
请示 qǐng shì: ask for instructions 
但愿 dàn yuàn: wish, if only 
负责人 fù zé rén: the person in charge 
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