He's really grown--Tom Felton was a chubby-cheeked imp as Harry's rival Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, but in the new film, he's put on a growth spurt and even more angst than everybody else, and glowers at Potter (the 5' 5" Daniel Radcliffe) from his 6' 1" height.
他可真是长开了。当初在《哈利·波特与魔法石》中汤姆扮演的德拉科·马尔福还是一脸肉肉的小屁孩儿样,在最新一部的电影中,他却已经长成最激进的一愤青,而且一米八五的身高也让他在仅一米六五的“哈利·波特”丹尼尔面前占尽优势。 |