
Safe Trip Home is the warm, moving and wonderfully musical third album from Dido, the London-born singer-songwriter with the cracked-crystal voice. The first, you might remember, was No Angel, a record made when Dido was a part-time backing singer with a tiny budget and no label. When that record's heartfelt snap-shots of life were released in 1999, nobody, least of all Dido, expected the album to eventually become the planet's biggest seller of 2001. The similarly affecting follow-up, 2003's Life For Rent, also burrowed its way into millions of hearts, hitting number one in 26 countries and lighting up the airwaves in many more. By the time Dido had toured that record around the world, she was ready for a bit of a breather. |
蒂朵(Dido)出生于伦敦,是一个创作型歌手,她的嗓音清澈而略带沙哑。《一路顺风》是她的第三张专辑,非常优美的音符中流淌着丝丝温暖和感动。或许,你还记得她录制的第一张专辑《无天使》,那时候她还是籍籍无名的兼职合音歌手,没多少钱,也还没找到愿意和她签约的唱片公司。这张真实反映人生百态的专辑于1999年发行,包括蒂朵本人在内,没有人料到它最终能成为2001年最畅销唱片。与此类似,她在2003年推出的第二张专辑《漂泊的心》也俘虏了数百万人的心,这张专辑在26个国家都拿下了销量排行榜冠军,专辑里的很多歌曲在很多地方的电视广播上风靡一时。蒂朵携这张专辑在全世界各地展开了巡演,直到巡演告一段落,她才决定停下来让自己喘口气。 |
"It was a whirlwind," she says. "When I got back from touring early in 2005, it took a while just to take in what had happened. I was so unprepared for it. As far as I was concerned I was making this little underground record for me to listen to and then, suddenly, eight years later I was getting off this incredible speeding train. I'd had an amazing time, but I guess I needed to take a step back, reconnect with normal life and bring the focus 100 percent back to music." |
“这一切就像一阵旋风,”蒂朵说道,“2005年年初,我结束巡演回来,很长一段时间都不敢接受眼前的事实。我没有丝毫的心理准备。本来,我只是录制一张地下专辑给自己听听就好;结果,突然之间,八年后我却得从这趟疾驶的列车上走下来。已经有了一段令人难以置信的经历,我想我需要退后一步,重新回归到普通人的生活,百分之百地投入到音乐中。” |
Although she disappeared from view, Dido took very little time off from music. However, rather than immediately starting to write new songs, she threw herself into playing, whether it be her music or other people's. "I wanted to take some time to become a better musician," she explains. "For the first two albums, any playing I'd done had been used purely for songwriting, which is very different from just playing for fun, like I had as a child. So I spent a lot of time just picking up instruments for playing's sake again. I loved it." |
尽管在舞台上消失了一阵,蒂朵几乎还是没有离开过音乐。然而,她没有立马开始创作新歌,而是投身于乐器演奏,无论是演奏自己的音乐还是别人的。“我想花点时间让自己成为更好的乐手,”她解释道,“在前两张专辑的录制中,我只是单纯为了创作歌曲而演奏,这跟小时候只是为了好玩而玩弄乐器相比截然不同。所以,我又花了不少时间去拾起那些乐器,只是为了演奏而演奏。我喜欢这种感觉。” |
Dido had inadvertently set the tone for Safe Trip Home, a record whose smouldering, soulful songs were to eventually feature her playing guitar, piano, bells and the trusty old recorder she'd toured Europe with as a prodigious pupil of London's Guildhall School of Music. She's even responsible for some of the album's drums (most notably on the sumptuously melancholy Quiet Times).
蒂朵不经意间就给《一路顺风》定下了基调,这部专辑里收录了一些内敛却情深意切的歌曲,蒂朵自己演奏了吉它、钢琴、钟琴以及一支老直笛,这支直笛是蒂朵当年以伦敦Guildhall音乐学校学生身份在欧洲巡演时,一直陪伴在她身旁的好伙伴。她甚至还在专辑里展现了她的鼓技(这在那首极尽忧郁的《Quiet Times》里表现尤为突出)。
When Dido met up with producer, Jon Brion (Fiona Apple, Kayne West, Rufus Wainwright, Eels) at London's Abbey Road studios towards the end of 2005, he was blown away by her musicianship. "I realized she had this beautiful feel for playing from the first day I met her," he says. "In fact, if there's anything I'm particularly proud of with this record, it's encouraging Dido to play more instruments. When she plays drums, her groove is magnificent. And her touch on piano is absolutely stunning." |
2005年年底,蒂朵在伦敦艾比路录音室与制片人琼·布里昂(曾制作过Fiona Apple、Kayne West、Rufus Wainwright、Eels等艺人的作品)偶然相遇,当时琼·布里昂就被她的音乐才华所折服。“我第一次遇见她,就意识到她很有演奏乐器的天赋。“他说,“其实,要说起关于这张专辑我特别引以为豪的地方,那就是我鼓励蒂朵演奏了更多的乐器。她打鼓的感觉非常棒;而且她的钢琴造诣也极其出众。”
(China.org.cn 汪玮 译)
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