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UNDP calls upon the business community in China to rally for Haiti

Zhou Xun, renowned actress and UNDP China's National Goodwill Ambassador, attends an emergency briefing session held today. [Maverick Chen/China.org.cn]

Zhou Xun, renowned actress and UNDP China's National Goodwill Ambassador, attends an emergency briefing session held today. [Maverick Chen/China.org.cn] 

在今天举行的海地援助情况介绍会上, 联合国开发计划署官员和联合国开发计划署中国亲善大使周迅一同向中国民间社会、特别是企业界发出倡议,向112因地震而陷入严重困境的海地伸出援手。

In an emergency briefing session held today, UNDP China officials and its National Goodwill Ambassador Zhou Xun joined in launching an emphatic appeal to Chinese civil society and the private sector to come to Haiti's aid in the wake of the devastating earthquake that struck on January 12.  


Globally, UNDP is calling for US $35.6 million for immediate recovery assistance, part of a wider UN flash appeal for US $575 million. The UNDP funds are being used for immediate recovery priorities, including temporary shelter, debris clearance, rehabilitation of basic infrastructure, and cash-for-work reconstruction activities.


Khalid Malik, United Nations Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in China highlighted China's recent experience with the Sichuan earthquake, highlighting that China can "provide leadership and guidance for the international community in responding to the current crisis in Haiti."


The Chinese Government has already provided substantial bilateral support to Haiti including medicines, food, shelter and other urgently needed supplies. On top of this, the Ministry of Commerce recently gave US $2.6 million to the UN Flash Appeal.


The panel stressed the particular importance of engaging the private sector in recovery and reconstruction efforts going forward. "The generous contributions of the private sector to the quake-affected communities in Sichuan set an example for what needs to be carried out in Haiti. The resources and capacities of the private sector are absolutely critical in relief and reconstruction efforts of this magnitude," said Malik.

联合国开发计划署驻华代表处国别主任南书毕呼吁为100万无家可归的海地人民提供帐篷和临时避难设施。 我们必须就地帮助受灾群众,他说 这意味着需要帐篷和其他物资,包括塑料布、放水油布和木材。尽管当地政府已经提出需要20万顶家庭用帐篷,然而目前全国只有35500顶。”

Subinay Nandy, UNDP China Country Director, stressed the urgent need for tents and temporary shelter for the more than 1 million displaced in Haiti. "We need to help people where they are," said Nandy. "That means providing tents or other materials, including plastic sheeting, tarpaulins and wood. Although the Government has requested 200,000 family-sized tents, so far, only 35,500 are in the country."


Nandy also spoke to the benefits of UNDP's "Cash-for-Work" programme which, for less than US$5 per person per day, employs people in activities such as rubble and waste removal. This serves the dual purpose of kick-starting economic activity while the workers supply vital services that cannot be coordinated by the Government.


Currently 11,500 people are employed by the programme. The goal is to scale it up to create 220,000 temporary jobs benefiting approximately 1,050,000 people.


"I am very pleased to learn that 40% of workers hired under the 'cash-for-work' scheme are women; and that priority is also given to those with destroyed housing or with deceased family members," said Zhou Xun, renowned actress and UNDP China's National Goodwill Ambassador. "I strongly urge the Chinese business community and concerned Chinese citizens to take action for Haiti as they did in Sichuan, to help Haitians in 'building back better and greener.'"


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