片名:Iron Man 2
导演:乔恩•费儒(Jon Favreau)
主演:小罗伯特•唐尼(Robert Downey Jr.)
温妮丝•帕特洛(Gwyneth Paltrow)
米基•洛克(Mickey Rourke)
(Scarlett Johansson)
萨姆•洛克威尔(Sam Rockwell)
唐•奇德尔(Don Cheadle)
塞缪尔•杰克逊(Samuel L. Jackson)
The Story

The original Iron Man introduced us to the playboy billionaire industrialist Tony Stark (Downey Jr) and how he, through a cruel twist of fate, became the heroic Iron Man. This second film doesn't need to deliver a backstory, thus can leap right into the story. The film kicks off with the introduction of the main villain, Ivan Vanko (Mickey Rourke), a crusty Russian with bad teeth and a nasty disposition. |
《钢铁侠I》讲述了亿万富翁托尼•斯塔克(小罗伯特•唐尼 饰)的故事。斯塔克是一位实业家,同时也是个花花公子。命运中的一次意外使他成为了超级英雄钢铁侠。《钢铁侠II》无须重述这段背景故事,因此直奔主题,开篇即引出了本片最大的反派伊凡•万科(米基•洛克 饰),他是个脾气暴躁的俄国人,有一口烂牙,性情恶劣。 |
Ivan is pissed at Tony Stark and Tony's dad, Howard, for stealing his father's invention -- the Iron Man suit. Meanwhile, the core reactor that's keeping Tony alive is also killing him slowly, so he's preoccupied with the fact he doesn't have long to live. He's a little more broody than normal and his work is suffering, but he's not so far gone that he can't put in an appearance in front of a senate committee that wants to take the Iron Man suit from him and put it to use in the military. Even Tony's old friend James 'Rhodey' Rhodes (used to be Terrence Howard, now it's Don Cheadle), has written a report that seems to indicate the suit would be better off classified as a weapon and under the control of the government. But Tony charms the pants off of all assembled, except for the head of the committee, Senator Stern (Garry Shandling) and Tony's business rival, Justin Hammer (Sam Rockwell), who's also been called in to testify as an expert. However, Tony has a trick up his sleeve and reveals that Justin, sensing the potential for great wealth and power, has been secretly working on his own suit. The cat's out of the bag and Justin's extremely upset. |
伊凡对托尼•斯塔克和他的父亲霍华德•斯塔克心怀愤恨,他认为钢铁战衣是自己父亲的发明,却被这父子二人剽窃。与此同时,电弧反应器的内核虽然维系着斯塔克的生命,但同时也慢慢地侵蚀着他的身体。斯塔克担心自己命不久矣,越发闷闷不乐,工作也成了一种折磨。然而他还不至于颓废到逃避参议院委员会的挑战,他们想从他那里拿走钢铁战衣、交付美国军方使用。连斯塔克的老朋友詹姆斯•罗德(罗德上校,《钢铁侠II》中由唐•奇德尔接替特伦斯•霍华德饰演)都在提交的报告中指出,钢铁战衣还是归类为武器、收归政府管控比较好。斯塔克说服了所有的与会人员,只有委员长斯特恩参议员(盖瑞•山德林 饰)和斯塔克的商业对手贾斯汀•汉默(萨姆•洛克威尔 饰)依然坚持己见,后者以武器专家的身份出席这次会议。然而斯塔克自有妙计,他透露:汉默因为看到了其中潜在的巨额财富和威力,也正在秘密研制自己的钢铁战衣。这个秘密被揭穿后,汉默相当恼火。 |
Back at work, Tony turns over Stark Industries to Virginia "Pepper" Potts (Gwyneth Paltrow) without telling her he's sick. And Tony, with free time on his hands and billions to spend, heads to Monte Carlo to race cars. There, he, Pepper, and their sidekick Happy Hogan (Favreau) have a disastrous encounter with Ivan aka Whiplash. Iron Man wins, but barely, and Ivan's locked up. Flash-forward and Justin Hammer is now teaming up with Ivan to create their own Iron Man suits in order to take down Stark Industries. Oh, and Rhodey's walked off wearing one of Tony's spare suits. Oh, and Tony's new gorgeous assistant Natalie (Scarlett Johansson) is not who she says she is and in fact has actually been sent to Stark Industries with a specific mission to accomplish. Saying there's a lot to keep track of is an understatement, yet somehow it all works and doesn't overwhelm. There's an overload of characters, but each is fleshed out enough and each has a place in the story. |
斯塔克回到公司,他将领导权移交给助手“小辣椒”维吉尼亚•波茨(格温妮斯•帕特洛 饰),却没有告诉她自己的病情。斯塔克空闲下来,又有万贯家财可以挥霍,于是他动身前往蒙特卡洛参加赛车比赛。在那里,他、“小辣椒”和老伙计“快乐”霍根(由导演乔恩•费儒客串)意外遭遇了“鞭锁”伊凡,众人损失惨重。钢铁侠侥幸获胜,“鞭锁”被关了起来。后面还有很多情节:贾斯汀•汉默与“鞭锁”伊凡联手制造自己的钢铁战衣,意图打败斯塔克公司;罗德上校穿走了一套斯塔克的备用战衣;还有斯塔克新的美女助手娜塔莉(斯嘉丽•约翰逊 饰)的身份并不像她自己说的那样简单,她其实是带着特殊使命加入斯塔克公司的。这部电影虽然线索庞杂,但是影片很好地驾驭了这些线索,情节的发展没有超出控制。片中的角色也很多,然而每个角色都很丰满,在情节发展中也各有用武之地。
(China.org.cn 李潇 译)