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高考 national college entrance exam

       一年一度的高考national college entrance exam)即将拉开战幕,经过12年的寒窗苦读,考生们就要步入考场了。为了迎战高考,地方政府、学校和家长也都上上下下为此做好了充足准备。


Schools and educational authorities across the country are making final preparations to ensure that the upcoming national college entrance exam go smoothly and in a fair way, an official with the Ministry of Education said Wednesday.

The ministry joined hands with local authorities of education, public security and telecommunications to ensure the order of the exam and guard against cheating, said Liu Junyi, vice director of the exam center under the ministry, at a press conference Wednesday.

"People who set exam papers have been completely cut connections with the outside world, and papers were stored in special rooms under multiple electronic monitoring," Liu said.

The widely-concerned exam, which is held annually on June 7 and 8, has seen an increase in cheating cases with high-tech devices in recent years. Educational authorities have to come up with stricter rules and high-tech countermeasures for the fairness of the exam.

——Excerpt from China gears up for national college entrance exam

       往年,在高考期间,一些地方会出台临时性的政令,比如限制工地夜间施工、禁止汽车鸣笛等。这些行政命令虽然扰乱了正常的生活与生产建设,但人们大多抱着理解的态度予以支持。今年,一些地方为高考保驾护航的行为再度升级,有些地方甚至要求强制关闭网吧Internet cafe/Internet bar),这在社会上引起了一番热议。请看报道:

The government of Linchuan district in Fuzhou, Jiangxi province, has temporarily closed down all Internet cafes in its jurisdiction in a bid to prevent students from getting distracted ahead of the college entrance examination.

The move implements a document issued by the district's cultural affairs bureau last year, which stipulates that the business of Internet bars should be suspended during the college entrance exam, which takes place on June 7 and 8 every year, the Jiangxi-based New Legal News reported.

Some local Internet cafe owners have been asked to shut down for nearly a month, the report said.

——Excerpt from Gov't shuts down Internet bars before entrance exam


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