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捐赠中国文化丛书 促中美两国关系
Cultural series donated to help Sino-US relations

U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman (R) and CIPG Vice President Huang Youyi (L)attended a ceremony for the donation. [China.org.cn] 美国驻华大使洪博培(右)、中国外文局副局长黄友义(左)出席赠书仪式。[中国网]
U.S. Ambassador Jon Huntsman (R) and CIPG Vice President Huang Youyi (L)attended a ceremony for the donation. [China.org.cn]
Huang said, "The project has created a new mode of co-publishing. Yale's partnership with CIPG is an important element of our long-standing relationship with U.S." “这个项目开创了一种新型的合作出版模式。”黄友义称“ 中国外文局与耶鲁大学之间的合作是中美长期关系中的重要一部分。”
In April 2006, Chinese President Hu Jintao visited the U.S. and presented Yale University with some Chinese books, including this series. 2006年4月,这套丛书也曾作为胡锦涛主席访美礼品,被赠予耶鲁大学图书馆。
Huang said, "That the fruit of our cooperation has played an important role in the friendly exchange between our two countries is the best reward for our hard work over all these years." “我们的合作成果对中美两国之间的友好交流起到了重要作用,这是对我们这些年辛勤付出的最大肯定。”黄友义这样评价。
Huang said CIPG will publish another two books -- Chinese Ceramics and Chinese Textiles -- in the next few years. 他还透露,在未来几年,中国外文局还将出版《中国陶瓷》和《中国丝绸》两本图书。
In recent years, with the rapid development of this ancient country, learning Chinese has become popular all over the world. China's Confucius Institute Headquarters predicated that the number of people learning Chinese around the globe will soar to 100 million this year. 近年来,随着中国这个古老国家的快速发展,学习中文已经在全世界形成了一股热潮。据中国孔子学院总部预测,今年全球学习中文的人数将会增长到一亿。
"There are also many American people who are learning Chinese, and they are very interested in the Chinese culture," Huntsman said. "I'm glad to see that people from both sides have a strong wish to know each other; this is helpful to our -- U.S. and China -- relationship. “现在也有许多美国人在学习中文,他们对中国文化非常感兴趣。”洪博培大使说,“我很高兴能看到两国人民有强烈想要了解对方的意愿,这无疑会对促进中美两国关系有极大的帮助。”
"You must understand your roots in your history in order to understand your future," he said. 他说:“只有了解自己的历史才能更好地看清未来。”
To date, CIPG has published seven books under the Culture and Civilization of China series: Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting, Chinese Architecture, Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy, Balanced Discourses, The Formation of Chinese Civilization: an Archaeological Perspective, Chinese Calligraphy and Chinese Sculpture. 迄今为止,中国外文局已出版了《中国文化与文明》系列丛书7本,分别是:《中国绘画三千年》、《中国古代建筑》、《中国古典哲学概念范畴要论》、《中论》、《中国文明的形成》、《中国书法》、《中国古代雕塑》。
CIPG is China's largest professional organization dedicated to foreign language publications, and it is affiliated with a number of publishing and magazine agencies. In 2006 CIPG exported China's largest volume of copyrighted material. Yale, as a world-renowned university, also enjoys a solid reputation in the field of language-related publications. 中国外文局是中国最大的致力于外语出版的专业组织,下属多家杂志和出版机构,其在2006年的版权输出数量曾居国内同业之首。而耶鲁作为世界知名大学,在语言类读物的编写出版方面亦享有盛誉。

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