10 ways to boost your intellect |
提升智力十大诀窍 |
Scientists have shown a weekend lie-in provides an essential boost to brain power. The Daily Telegraph also explores 10 other factors that may help improve your intellect. |
科学家们发现,周末睡个懒觉可以显著提升脑力。英国《每日电讯报》还为大家提供了10种有可能提升智力的其它方法。 |
※ Exercise |
※ 锻炼 |
A Cambridge University study found that after a few days of running, hundreds of thousands of new brain cells were shown to have grown in a region that is linked to the formation and recollection of memories. |
剑桥大学的一项研究发现,持续几天的跑步锻炼以后,在大脑负责形成和重复记忆的区域有成千上万的新脑细胞诞生。 |
※ An afternoon nap |
※ 午后小睡 |
Research found that sleeping for an hour in the afternoon boosts brain power and increases its ability to learn new facts and tasks. |
研究发现,下午睡上一小时不仅可以提升脑力,而且可以提高大脑应付新问题的能力。 |
※ Magnesium-rich foods |
※ 吃富含镁的食物 |
Eating foods rich in magnesium such as spinach and broccoli could boost memory and brain power. |
经常吃菠菜和西兰花等富含镁的蔬菜可以提升记忆和脑力。 |
※ Mowing the lawn |
※ 修剪草坪 |
Australian scientists claimed that the aroma of freshly cut grass works directly on the brain, particularly targeting areas associated with emotion and memory. |
澳大利亚科学家发现,刚刚割下来的草散发的芬芳能够直接作用于大脑,可以有效地改善情绪和记忆。 |
※ Sex and chocolate |
※ 多做爱,多吃巧克力 |
It has been claimed that eating a lot of dark chocolate, having lots of sex and having cold meat for breakfast significantly improves brain power. |
据说多吃黑巧克力,多做爱以及早餐吃冷肉菜肴可以显著提升脑力。 |
※ Music lessons for young |
※ 让孩子学习音乐 |
A study has shown that young children who take music lessons show more advanced brain development and improved memory than those who do not. |
研究发现,参加音乐课程学习的孩子比没有参加的孩子脑部发育要更完善,记忆水平也更高。 |
※ Talking to your baby |
※ 和婴儿说话 |
Researchers from Northwestern University in Illinois found that words play an important role in the brain development of children even before they begin to speak. |
美国伊利诺伊州西北大学的研究人员发现,即使是不会说话的婴儿,语言对于他们的大脑发育也起到非常重要的作用。 |
※ Tetris |
※ 玩俄罗斯方块 |
A study by American scientists found that the classic computer puzzle Tetris may also have a positive impact on your brain power. |
美国科学家发现,玩经典的电脑游戏“俄罗斯方块”同样可以提升脑力。 |
※ A thinking cap |
※ 思维帽 |
The researchers from the University of British Colombia in Vancouver are now working on developing a 'thinking cap' and hope the device will enhance the mind's ability to learn. They discovered that the brain's ability was significantly enhanced when a magnetic pulse was applied to the premotor cortex, the area of the brain just behind the forehead. |
(China.org.cn) |
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