Daily News 2010-08-25

From 2006 to 2008, more than 30,000 people lost their eyesight each year due to computer radiation. More than 63% of China's 420 million Chinese netizens suffer from deteriorating eyesight, cataracts, or blindness. |
Alert on computer radiation |
电脑辐射或致失明 |
From 2006 to 2008, more than 30,000 people lost their eyesight each year due to computer radiation, the China News Service reports. More than 63% of China's 420 million Chinese netizens suffer from deteriorating eyesight, cataracts, or blindness. Mark Bullimore, a nuclear expert from Ohio State University, claims that 100 million computers produce the same amount of radiation each day as the two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. |
中新网消息,2006至2008年间,全球每年有超过3万人因电脑辐射而失明。在4.2亿中国网民中,逾63%的人患有因电脑辐射所导致的视力下降、白内障、失明等眼疾。美国俄亥俄州立大学核子专家马克·布利莫尔曾论述说,1亿台电脑一天产生的辐射量相当于轰炸广岛和长崎的两颗原子弹所释放的辐射量的总和。 |
42 die in Yichun plane crash |
伊春飞机失事 42人遇难 |
A passenger plane crashed on landing Tuesday night at Yichun Airport in Heilongjiang Province, killing at least 42 in China's first fatal commercial aviation accident in more than five years, China News Service reported. The Embraer ERJ-190 jet operated by Henan Air was en route from Harbin to Yichun with 96 on board when it crashed at 9:36 p.m. Beijing Time. The plane broke into two, according to witnesses. Another 54 are injured -- seven critically -- including Sun Baoshu, vice minister of the Ministry of Human Resources Social Security. Flight Captain Qi Quanjun survived and is conscious of the crash, but is unable to describe the incident because of severe facial injury. |
据中新社报道,24日晚,一架客机在黑龙江伊春机场降落时失事,造成至少42人死亡,为中国5年多来最严重的一起民航事故。这架河南航空(原鲲鹏航空)的EMB190型号客机搭载96名乘客,由哈尔滨飞往伊春,于北京时间昨晚9时36分坠毁。目击者称,飞机在降落之前就断成两截。事故另造成54人受伤,其中7人伤势严重,重伤者包括人力资源和社会保障部副部长孙宝树。机长齐全军生还,意识清晰,但因面部严重受伤,暂无法描述事故经过。 |
Authorities have recovered both black boxes. A team headed by senior leaders from the Ministry of Transportation, which consists of civil aviation technical experts, has arrived at the scene, conducting relief and investigation. The nation's last major commercial aviation accident occurred Nov. 21, 2004, when China Eastern Flight 5210 crashed en route from Baotou to Shanghai, killing 55. |
失事客机的2个黑匣子都已找到。由交通部高层领导率领的民航技术专家已经到达了空难现场,指挥善后处理和事故调查。上一次国内空难发生在2004年11月21日,由包头飞往上海的东航MU5210航班坠毁,55人罹难。 |
Town offers 25-year free education |
幼儿园至博士全免费 |
Shipai, a township of Dongguan City in Guangdong Province, embarked on the era of 25-year free education today, Nanfang Daily reports. The town has said it will cover residents' tuition fees from kindergarten to doctoral studies. A senior high student can apply for an annual subsidy of 3,000 yuan (US$439), a junior college student 4,000 yuan (US$585), a college student 6,000 yuan (US$878), a master's degree student 8,000 yuan (US$1,170), and a doctoral candidate 10,000 yuan (US$1,463). With a population of 42,000, Shipai will spend about 20 million yuan each year on the program. About 3,740 people are entitled to the subsidies this year, and the newly launched free college scheme will benefit more than 1,120 people. |
据《南方日报》报道,广东省东莞市石排镇今天正式迈入了“25年全免费教育”时代,该镇居民从幼儿园到读博期间的学费将全免。具体补贴标准是:高中生每年3000元,大专生每年4000元,本科生每年6000元,硕士生每年8000元,博士生每年10000元。石排镇现有人口4.2万,预计每年将在该项目投入2000万元。报道称,今年全镇有3740多人享受免费教育学费补贴,其中,新启动的大学免费教育将惠及1120多人。 |
Women's quality of life surveyed |
女性生活质量调查出炉 |
A survey of women's quality of life in the 10 cities of Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Hangzhou, Harbin, Changsha, Lanzhou, Zhengzhou and Qingdao put Qingdao at the top of the list, the People's Daily reports. Zhengzhou ranked 2nd, and Hangzhou 3rd but Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Guangzhou brought up the rear. The most important factors affecting women's happiness are their family's health, family harmony, and the progress of their children's studies. They worry most about rising prices, being unable to afford a house, and low family income. The happiest women are 51-60 years old, have disposable monthly incomes of 4001-4500 yuan, and hold bachelor degrees. |
据《人民日报》报道,一项关于中国十个城市(包括北京、上海、广州、深圳、杭州、哈尔滨、长沙、兰州、郑州和青岛)的女性生活质量调查公布,青岛是女性认为幸福感最强的城市,郑州和杭州分别位于第二、三位,而上海、北京、深圳和广州排名均靠后。女性认为最幸福的事是:家人健康、家庭和睦、孩子有进步;最焦虑的事情是:物价上涨、买不起房和家庭收入低。幸福感最强的女性是:51-60岁的女性,个人月均可支配收入在4001-4500元的女性,本科学历的女性。 |
Carrefour sues Chinese supermarket |
家乐福诉“家乐”侵权 |
Carrefour S.A. has filed a lawsuit against the Anhui Jiale Supermarket Chain Co Ltd and its subsidiaries, claiming they violated the rules of fair competition and infringed the Carrefour trademark. According to China Daily, the local supermarket chain is accused of illegally using the logo "Jialefu," the Chinese for "Carrefour," in their company name, and on shop signs, price tags, receipts, and shopping bags. Carrefour S.A. has asked the court to order the Jiale Company to change its logo and pay Carrefour 6 million yuan (US$882,164) in compensation. |
据《中国日报》报道,家乐福股份有限公司日前以不正当竞争和侵犯注册商标专用权为由将安徽阜阳的安徽家乐超市连锁有限公司及其分支机构告上法庭。该连锁公司被控在其店名、招牌、价签、销售票据及购物袋等诸多场合非法使用Carrefour的中文音译“家乐福”这一商标。家乐福股份有限公司已向法院提起诉讼,要求家乐公司更换商标并支付600万元赔偿金。 |
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