Daily News 2010-09-20

A kind of traditional Chinese medicine to treat the common cold, Vitamin C Yin Chiao Tablet, may cause hives and anaphylactic shock. |
Cold medicine may cause hives |
维C银翘片可致荨麻疹 |
The National Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Center released a report that a kind of traditional Chinese medicine to treat the common cold, Vitamin C Yin Chiao Tablet, may cause hives and anaphylactic shock, Guangzhou Daily reports. People who have taken the medicine, which is made from honeysuckle and forsythia, have suffered severe hives. Others have experienced anaphylactic shock. As with all consumption, the center warned that people who are allergic to components in the medicine should not use it, while the State Food and Drug Administration reminded users to follow instructions on taking the medicine and avoid overdosing and long-term continuous use. |
据《广州日报》报道,国家药品不良反应监测中心发布报告显示,维C银翘片可致荨麻疹。目前服用含有金银花和连翘的维C银翘片的患者已发现有严重荨麻疹或过敏性休克的不良反应。同时报告提醒有对该药所含成分过敏的人切勿使用。国家食品药品监督管理局提醒患者严格按说明书用药,避免超剂量、长期连续用药。 |
Over 10,000 abduction victims freed |
打拐解救妇女儿童过万 |
Since the Ministry of Public Security launched a crackdown on human trafficking in April last year, Chinese police freed 10,621 women and 5,896 children who had been abducted as of September 6, Xinhua reported. |
据新华社报道,自公安部去年4月份开始打击人口拐卖以来,中国警方截止9月6日已解救了10621名被拐卖妇女、5896名被拐儿童。 |
In the campaign, police nationwide apprehended 2,398 human trafficking gangs and handled 13,500 such cases. They put 15,673 suspects under criminal detention and handed out administrative penalties on 1,518 people. The police also have stepped up measures to return the abducted children to their biological parents and built a DNA database that has helped 813 children find their biological parents. |
在此项行动中,警方在全国端掉了2398个人口拐卖团伙,审理了13500起此类案件,刑事拘留了15673名嫌疑犯,对1518人进行了行政处罚。警方还加大力度使被拐卖的儿童回到亲生父母身边,并建立了DNA数据库,此数据库已帮助813名儿童找到了亲生父母。 |
Typhoon Fanapi hits Fujian |
台风“凡亚比”登陆福建 |
Typhoon Fanapi, the 11th and strongest typhoon to hit China this year, struck Fujian Province at 7 am Monday, Xinhua reported. Fanapi hit Gulei Township in Fujian's Zhangpu County, lashing the province's coastal areas with winds and torrential rains. Maximum winds near the center reached 35 meters per second, and rainfall of more than 250 mm was predicted to hit parts of Fujian, as the typhoon moved inland at a speed of 20 km per hour, according to the provincial weather bureau. No casualties have been reported and damage is yet to be assessed. As of 10 pm Sunday, 76 people had been injured and more than 10,000 had been evacuated in Taiwan since the typhoon landed in Hualien on Sunday morning. |
据新华社报道,今年强度最大的第11号台风“凡亚比”于20日7时登陆福建漳州古雷镇,为该省沿海地区带来强风暴雨。据福建省气象局监测,“凡亚比”登陆时,近中心最大风力达35米/秒。随着风暴以每小时20公里的速度向内陆方向移动,福建局部地区降雨将超过250毫米。目前,尚无人员伤亡和财产损失报告。据悉,“凡亚比”于周日早上登陆台湾花莲,截止到周日晚上10点,已造成76人受伤,逾万人转移。 |
"Clear" maybe not clear |
清扬洗发水被指不安全 |
Customers claimed that "Clear," a shampoo produced by the giant corporation Unilever, was not safe, saying that the surfactant, named sodium alcohol ether sulphate (AES), was far more irritating than other brands, the National Business Daily reported. It said that there are two kinds of surfactants, one is the ammonium alcohol ether sulphate, which is mainly used for the production of shampoo and body wash; the other is sodium alcohol ether sulphate, which is generally applied in the production of cleansers. In an urgent statement, Unilever said that the two are different in formula and production process, but there is no significant difference in safety. So far, the company hasn't considered pulling its products off shelves, it said in a statement. |
据《每日经济新闻》报道,近日,有消费者质疑联合利华旗下的清扬洗发水不安全,称其使用的表面活性剂AES钠盐刺激性大过同类产品。据悉,AES表面活性剂可分为铵盐和钠盐,前者主要用于洗发水、沐浴露等产品中,后者则主要用于洗洁精的生产。联合利华方面发表声明称:AES铵盐和AES钠盐只是配方和工艺不同,安全性上并无太大差别,公司目前不会考虑产品下架。 |
BP "kills" Gulf of Mexico well |
深海漏油油井被封死 |
Some 153 days after the Gulf of Mexico well ruptured, the U.S. government confirmed on Sunday that BP had succeeded in drilling a relief well nearly 18,000 feet below the ocean surface and permanently sealing the leaking well with cement, Reuters reported. BP pumped cement for seven hours on Friday and finished a pressure test early on Sunday that showed the well was permanently clogged. President Barack Obama welcomed the long-awaited development as an "important milestone." He said his administration was now focused on making sure the Gulf Coast "recovers fully from this disaster." |
据路透社报道,美国政府于周日证实,英国石油公司在海平面下1.8万英尺处成功钻通减压井,用水泥永久封死了漏油油井。这距墨西哥湾油井爆裂过去了153天左右。英国石油公司于周五浇注了7个小时的水泥,周日早些时候完成了压力测试,结果显示油井被永久封死。奥巴马总统欢迎这一令人苦等的进展,称其为“重要里程碑”。他表示,政府现在集中精力确保墨西哥湾沿岸能“从这场灾难中完全复原”。 |
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