Daily News 2010-12-02

The egg-shaped house built by Dai Haifei, a 24-year-old Chinese graduate, is made of bamboo and nails. There is no room for other amenities besides a bed and a small water tank. |
Miniature houses in big cities |
高房价导致“蜗居”热 |
To save money, a growing number of Americans are buying or building miniature homes, The Daily Journal reports. Jay Shafer, 46, built an 89-square-foot house himself a decade ago and lived in it full-time until his son was born last year. Shafer is now making money by designing miniature homes. The houses, which pack a range of amenities in small spaces, are sold for $40,000 to $50,000 ready-made. Compared to these houses constructed with high-quality materials, good insulation and an eye-catching design, the egg-shaped house built by Dai Haifei, a 24-year-old Chinese graduate, was just too humble. His egg-house is made of bamboo and nails. There is no room for other amenities besides a bed and a small water tank. And the temperature inside is almost as cold as outside, says the Beijing News. Dai told the newspaper that his parents are working hard in order to buy a house for him, but "they just have no idea that they'll have to work two or three hundred years to buy an apartment in Beijing," Dai said. High housing prices place immense pressure on people, so the timing is ideal for a potential small-house industry to take root. |
据美国《每日新闻报》报道,为了省钱,越来越多的美国人开始购买或自建小型房屋。今年46岁的杰·谢弗在10年前自己建了一座89平方英尺的小屋,并一直住到去年儿子出生为止。他现在靠为别人设计小型房屋而谋生。他所设计的小屋虽然空间小,但设施齐全,售价4万至5万美元。和这些建筑材料优良﹑隔热效果好﹑又有独到设计的小房子比,24岁毕业生戴海飞造的蛋形蜗居就显得有点儿寒酸了。他的小屋主要用竹子和钉子做成,仅能放下一张床和一个小水箱,且屋里屋外几乎一样冷。戴海飞告诉《新京报》,父母拼命工作都是为了给他买房,“他们根本不知道,在北京买套房,他们得工作两三百年。”很显然,高房价已为人们带来巨大压力,而这对潜在的小型房屋建筑市场来说,起步正是时候。 |
Police release man accused of libel |
宁夏纠正“诽谤”刑拘案 |
Wuzhong police, in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, have redressed a mishandled case and released Wang Peng, who has been detained from Gansu on defamation charges since Nov. 23, Xinhua reports. Wang reported to administrative departments and posted online allegations that his college roommate, whose parents are Ningxia Hui officials, suspiciously became a civil servant without difficulty, despite doing poorly on college exams. Wuzhong police officials say people, including Wang, have the right to report fraud to maintain justice and are investigating his case further. The head of Litong District's public security bureau, He Zexiang, and its political commissar, Wang Hongdong, have been removed from their posts. |
新华社消息,宁夏吴忠市纠正了一起错案,将11月23日以“诽谤罪”在甘肃被拘的王鹏释放。王鹏的室友马晶晶学业很差却顺利通过了宁夏公务员考试,而其父母均在宁夏回族自治区担任官职。王鹏后来向相关部门举报这些情况,并在网上发帖。负责处理该案的吴忠警方表示,包括王鹏在内的所有人都有权检举舞弊行为,维护公平正义,目前警方正在就此案件进行深入调查。吴忠市利通区公安分局局长何泽祥、政委汪红东已被免职。 |
Smuggling rampant at Shenzhen port |
深圳口岸“水客”多 |
Customs officials said more than 8,000 couriers employed by smugglers are shuttling through the Shenzhen and Gongbei ports every day, bringing various smuggled items in and out of the country, Beijing News reports. The General Administration of Customs announced in August that citizens who enter the country with items worth more than 5,000 yuan will have to pay a tariff, leading some smugglers to divide their goods into smaller bundles and ask couriers to transport them. |
据《新京报》报道,海关总署透露,每天在深圳﹑拱北等口岸进出境的“水客”有8000多人,他们受雇于走私者,携带着各种货品进进出出。海关总署今年8月宣布,入境居民若携带的物品超过5000元须缴纳关税。走私犯们遂将走私货物分成多份,雇“水客”帮其走私。 |
Amazon cuts off WikiLeaks |
维基解密遭亚马逊“驱逐” |
Amazon, whose servers have been home to WikiLeaks since earlier this week, has quit hosting it, CNN reported. WikiLeaks confirmed the move on its Twitter feed Wednesday afternoon. Another Twitter message from WikiLeaks took a shot at the online store. "If Amazon are so uncomfortable with the first amendment, they should get out of the business of selling books," it read. US Sen. Joe Lieberman said Amazon make the right choice: "The company's decision to cut off WikiLeaks now is the right decision and should set the standard for other companies WikiLeaks is using to distribute its illegally seized material." |
美国有线电视新闻网消息,亚马逊已经停止从本周开始的为维基解密提供网络服务器支持的服务。维基解密周三下午在一条推特讯息中证实自己遭到亚马逊的“抛弃”。它的另一条讯息则炮轰这家在线零售商,“如果亚马逊对美国宪法第一修正案(支持言论自由)这么不感冒,那就应该滚出卖书的生意”。美国参议员利伯曼说:“亚马逊切断对维基解密的服务,这是一个正确的决定,为其他发布维基解密非法获得的机密材料的公司树立了榜样。” |
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