Daily News 2010-12-02

This sorry-looking boat is enough to give any captain a sinking feeling, but ironically this apparent wreck was actually designed to look as though it's heading for a watery grave. |
'Wrecked' ship goes around the globe |
“半条船”游历世界 |
This sorry-looking boat is enough to give any captain a sinking feeling, but ironically this apparent wreck was actually designed to look as though it's heading for a watery grave. The boat, dubbed LoveLove, is the brainchild of French designer Julien Berthier and it has certainly attracted stares and second looks. The bizarre ship, which looks as though it is constantly sinking, sticks out like a sore thumb wherever Berthier takes it, and he has even had police and coastguards sailing to the rescue. But it's completely functional and perfectly safe, Berthier says, and he's traveled the globe aboard LoveLove. |
这艘看似很糟糕的船,无论哪个船长看了都觉得它会沉没,不过这只是假象,这艘船只是看起来像即将倾覆的“失事船只”。这艘名为“爱-爱”的船是法国设计师朱利恩·贝尔蒂埃发明的,(怪异的设计)吸引人们忍不住多看几眼。这艘看起来像要沉没的怪船无论航行到哪里,都十分引人注目。曾经还有警察和海岸警卫队前去救援。但事实上这是艘正常运转的、安全的船,贝尔蒂埃称,他已经乘这艘船游历世界了。 |
Learning French drives Depp "nuts" |
法语令强尼·戴普抓狂 |
Johnny Depp may consider France his spiritual home and have Parisian actress and singer Vanessa Paradis as his companion to help, but like so many before him, the subtleties of the Gallic tongue are proving a little frustrating, Reuters reported. Speaking to Reuters ahead of next week's premiere of action-filled, romantic comedy "The Tourist," in which he stars with Oscar winner Angelina Jolie, Depp smiles when asked how his French is coming along. "Good? I don't know. It's difficult still, the conjugation ... the masculine and feminine thing," he said in French with a hint of an American accent. "It drives me nuts", he added. |
据英国路透社报道,强尼·戴普一直视法国为精神家园,而且他有一位来自巴黎的演员兼歌手的伴侣凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝的帮助,可是他却和之前的很多人有同感,就是高卢语言的微妙使他们有些受挫。下周,他与奥斯卡影后安吉丽娜·朱莉主演的动作爱情喜剧电影《游客》将举行首映活动,在接受路透社采访时被问到“法语学习进展如何”,他笑着用带有美国口音的法语答道,“还好吗?我不知道哎。法语对我来说一直都很难,词形变位,还有法语里的阴性阳性。简直把我逼疯了。” |
Sex consultants had 5,500 partners |
性爱辅导师睡过5500人 |
A British couple working as sex consultants slept with clients to solve sexual problems, Nanyang.com reports. Their clients are from Britain, the US, France and Australia. During the past 19 years, they have slept with nearly 5,500 people. The husband has slept with 2,161 women, including 49 virgins. The wife has slept with 3,323 men, including 52 virgins. The couple received five clients on average each day for two hours sessions. They treated one client for four to eight weeks and charged around 740 to 1,480 Malaysian ringgits (around 1,574 to 3,148 yuan) . |
南洋网消息,英国一对从事“性爱顾问”工作的夫妇,通过“身体力行”对客户进行性爱辅导,帮助来自英、美、法和澳洲等地的夫妇或情侣解决床笫问题。19年来两人己和近5500人上过床。丈夫睡过2161个女人, 其中包括49名处女。妻子睡过3323个男人,协助52名男子解除“处男”魔咒。这对搭档平均每天辅导5人,每次课程约2个小时,一个疗程约4至8周,每次收费约740至1480令吉(约1574到3148元)。 |
'Super-super size' of knickers |
超大号女式内裤热销 |
A company that makes the world's biggest panties has been forced to make even larger underwear for women who have 105-inch waistlines, the Daily Mail reports. The Big Bloomers Company was set up by mother and daughter Dianne and Laura Mannering earlier this year making underwear up to XXXXXXXXL for 490-pound women. But they were inundated with calls from obese women around the world claiming they are too small. So the pair have developed their latest range of XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL to fit 630-pound women who have a 8.75-foot waistline. Women from New Zealand, France and Australia have already been clamoring for the items, which have been flying off the shelves since going on sale last week. |
据英国《每日邮报》报道,生产世界上最大号女式内裤的大灯笼裤公司日前被要求为腰围105英寸的女性制作更大的内裤。该公司是由戴安娜和劳拉母女俩在今年建立的,专为重达490磅的女人制作XXXXXXXXL大小的内裤。但不久,她们就接到很多来自世界各地肥胖女人的电话,称她们造的内裤还是太小。于是,母女二人推出了大小为XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXL的最新产品,以满足重630磅﹑腰围8.75英尺的女性的要求。自上周上市以来,该款内裤就十分畅销。来自新西兰﹑法国﹑澳大利亚的女士们正疯狂抢购。 |
For sale: JFK shooter's coffin |
肯尼迪刺客棺材拍卖 |
A Los Angeles auction house said Tuesday that it would sell the simple pine coffin in which the suspected assassin of President John F. Kennedy was buried for almost 20 years, Reuters reports. Bidding will start at US$1,000, and it will go on the block on Dec. 16. The coffin was unearthed in October 1981 after a legal dispute between Oswald's widow, Marina, and his brother, Robert. Marina successfully sought an exhumation to test a conspiracy theory that a lookalike Russian agent had been buried in her husband's place. A medical exam showed the badly decomposed body was indeed Oswald's, and he was returned to Shannon Rose Hill Memorial Park in Fort Worth, Texas, in a new casket. |
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