Fattest man: Paul Mason received a vital operation after ballooning to nearly 70 stone but plans to sue the NHS for ignoring his pleas for help |
The world's former fattest man who once weighed nearly 444 kilograms is suing the National Health Service in the UK, claiming they failed to help him, the Daily Mail reports.
Former postman Paul Mason, 50, who now weighs in at a comparatively small 222 kilograms, said he should have been helped years ago.
Mr. Mason, who was eating 20,000 calories a day at his heaviest, claims he sought help from his general practitioner after ballooning to 190 kilograms. Instead of receiving a treatment program to manage his weight, he has complained he was told in 1996: "Ride your bike more."
50岁的保罗•梅森当过邮递员,体重曾接近444公斤,现已减至222公斤。他称全民医疗机构早就应该帮他减肥。梅森在体重最高时每天摄入相当于两万卡路里的食物。他表示早在1996年,当体重达到190公斤的时候,他就向医师求助。而英国全民医疗机构却没有给他治疗,只是建议他“多骑自行车”。 |
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