Daily News 2011-01-12
![Thousands of people were urged to leave the outskirts of Australia's third-largest city, Brisbane, on Jan.11, 2011 as flood waters raced eastwards after a surging two-metre wall of water killed eight people overnight. [Chinanews.com] Thousands of people were urged to leave the outskirts of Australia's third-largest city, Brisbane, on Jan.11, 2011 as flood waters raced eastwards after a surging two-metre wall of water killed eight people overnight. [Chinanews.com]](http://images.china.cn/attachement/jpg/site1007/20110113/000cf1a48b7f0e98e51f33.jpg)
Thousands of people were urged to leave the outskirts of Australia's third-largest city, Brisbane, on Jan.11, 2011 as flood waters raced eastwards after a surging two-metre wall of water killed eight people overnight. [Chinanews.com] |
Flood wreaks havoc in Brisbane |
澳洲洪水肆虐 |
Thousands of residents of Australia's third-largest city, Brisbane, evacuated homes Wednesday as massive floods began to inundate the city, which have left at least 90 people missing, Reuters reported. The biggest floods in a century have killed 14 people since moving across the state of Queensland last month, crippling the economy and dropping the local currency to four-week lows. Brisbane residents hurried to buy food as supermarkets ran out of staples such as milk and bread. One central bank board member said Wednesday that the disaster could cost as much as 1 percent of economic growth -- equal to almost US$13 billion. Queensland state Premier Anna Bligh said she expected about 19,700 homes to be flooded at the Brisbane River's peak, affecting up to 45,000 people. The military is conducting relief flights. |
据路透社报道,周三,暴洪开始淹没澳大利亚第三大城市布里斯班,数千居民撤离家园,洪水已造成至少90人失踪。这场百年来的最大洪水自上个月在昆士兰州肆虐以来已造成14人死亡,致使经济瘫痪,使得当地汇率降到4周以来的最低点。布里斯班的居民抢购食物,超市里如牛奶、面包这样的主食销售一空。周三,央行的一名董事表示,这场自然灾害可损失高达1%的经济增长率降——几乎相当于130亿美元。昆士兰州州长安娜•布莱表示,她预计当布里斯班河的洪峰到来时,约1.97万套房屋会被淹,4.5万人会受影响。军方正展开空中赈灾。 |
NK soldiers shoot defectors dead |
朝鲜边防兵射杀叛逃者 |
North Korean border guards crossed into China and shot dead five defectors and wounded two others, the Chosun Ilbo reported, noting that North Korean border guards had never before shot at defectors once they had reached the Chinese side of the border, but pointing out that guards could be under new instructions. A high-level source in the Chinese province of Jilin said the seven had walked across the frozen Yalu River on Dec. 14. The two injured were taken back to North Korea. |
韩国《朝鲜日报》报道,朝鲜的边防兵跨国追击叛逃者,射杀了五名逃到中国的朝鲜人,并击伤两人。朝鲜的边防兵之前从未在中国境内对叛逃者开过枪,因此该报指出边防兵可能得到了新的指示。据中国吉林省的一位高级线人透露,12月14日这七名朝鲜人徒步越过冰冻的鸭绿江进入中国境内。日前,两名受伤人员被带回了朝鲜。 |
France America's 'strongest' ally |
奥巴马称法为“最重要盟友” |
President Barack Obama caused some controversy when he suggested that France, not Britain, is the United States' most important ally. "We don't have a stronger friend and stronger ally than Nicolas Sarkozy and the French people," he told the French president on Jan. 10, the Daily Mail reported. |
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