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Microblog buzz on parliamentary sessions (8)

It is a farmer who is the only NPC deputy to serve all of 11 terms since the first session in 1954. Her name is Shen Jilan.

It is a farmer who is the only NPC deputy to serve all of 11 terms since the first session in 1954. Her name is Shen Jilan.
[儿童文学作家郑渊洁]: [Zheng Yuanjie, children's book author]:
有说两会是百万富翁俱乐部,大都由富豪企业家、高官和明星组成。今天的《京华时报》采访从1954年第一届人大蝉联到现在的唯一的大满贯人大代表是地道的农民,她叫申纪兰。记者问她想不想下一届还做人大代表。申说,这不是她愿意当就当的,是人民选的。没有任何高官和企业家能蝉联十一届,只有农民能。 Some people like to call the National People's Congress and the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference a millionaires' club, because many of the delegates turn out to be entrepreneurs, senior officials and stars. But it is a farmer who is the only NPC deputy to serve all of 11 terms since the first session in 1954. Her name is Shen Jilan. When asked by the Beijing Times if she would like to stay on for another term, Shen said that it should all depend on the will of the people instead of hers. My conclusion: Only farmers can stay in the position for 11 terms, exceeding any senior officials or entrepreneurs.
[人大代表、乡村医生马文芳]: [Ma Wenfang, village doctor and NPC deputy]:
乡村医生后继无人,集体诊所生存困难,担负着全村防疫、保健的乡村医生现在都步入晚年,可接班人没有,他们一边操着祖业种地,一手听诊器看病,我调查了100个诊所,现状令人担心。 Collective clinics in rural areas are now in a survival crisis because village doctors can hardly find successors. Most village doctors, who are responsible for health care and epidemic prevention in a village, are now getting on in years, but few of them have a successor. As a result, they have to do farm work like their ancestors while curing diseases. I have researched about 100 villages. The current situation is a real concern.
[人大代表黄细花]: [Huang Xihua, NPC deputy]:
俗话说,一幅图片顶一千字,图片警示能帮助吸烟者看到烟草导致疾病或痛苦的性质,对不识字的群体如文盲、儿童来说一目了然,而且人们不会把有图片警示的香烟当作高级礼品送给别人,在熟人和朋友当中,敬烟就不会如此流行。现在烟盒设计的太精致漂亮了,如同把魔鬼打扮成美女,给公众以极大的误导。 It is said that one picture is worth a thousand words. Warning pictures printed on the package will remind smokers of the diseases and suffering caused by cigarettes. For low-educated people and children who cannot read, pictures are easier for them to understand. Cigarettes with horrible pictures on the package are no longer a good choice for gifts, and you are likely to think twice when offering such cigarettes to acquaintances and friends. But cigarette packs, in contrast, are so pleasant and delicately designed that they will mislead the public like a devil disguised as a beauty.
[人大代表罗美元]: [Luo Meiyuan, NPC deputy]:
我提交的银发支教工程的建议,得到高度重视,多家媒体报道。我国几乎平均每年会有约200万受过高等教育的知识分子步入退休年龄。让他们定期轮换去农村、中西部地区、贫困地区、边疆地区、民族地区支援教育,就可以解决这些地方优质师资缺乏的问题。 My proposal this year calling for retired intellectuals to serve as volunteer teachers has attracted great attention from both the public and the media. Every year in China, there is an average of 2 million highly-educated people reaching the retirement age. If they would periodically rotate around rural areas and offer voluntary classes to children there, then the desperate need for qualified teachers can be relieved in such areas in the central and western regions, border regions, poverty-stricken regions and regions inhabited by ethnic groups.

Excerpts reflect the views of microbloggers, not necessarily those of China.org.cn.


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