片名:The Last Lions
导演:德瑞克•朱伯特(Dereck Joubert)
主演:杰瑞米•艾恩斯(Jeremy Irons)
发行公司:National Geographic Entertainment
上映日期:2011年1月13日 (Palm Springs Internation Film Festival)
The Story

From the lush wetlands of Botswana's Okavango Delta comes the suspense-filled tale of a determined lioness ready to try anything — and willing to risk everything — to keep her family alive. In the new wildlife adventure, The Last Lions, filmmakers Dereck and Beverly Joubert follow the epic journey of a lioness named Ma di Tau ("Mother of Lions") as she battles to protect her cubs against a daunting onslaught of enemies in order to ensure their survival. |
《最后的狮子》是一部新的野生动物记录片,情节扣人心弦。在博茨瓦纳的奥卡万戈三角洲上有一片郁郁葱葱的湿地,一只意志坚定的雌狮为了确保全家存活,甘冒一切风险,时刻准备着出动。这只雌狮名叫“狮子之母”,为了生存、为了保护她的幼崽,她不畏敌人的猛烈攻击,顽强抵抗。电影制片人德瑞克•朱伯特和贝弗利•朱伯特夫妇通过跟踪她的行迹,记录下了这段史诗般的征程。 |
Fleeing a raging fire and a rival pride headed by the dangerous cub-killing lioness Silver Eye, Ma di Tau and her fragile cubs must make their perilous escape by swimming a crocodile-infested river. Remote Duba Island is both a refuge and a strange new world for Ma di Tau and her cubs to conquer. On Duba, Ma di Tau must face off with the island's herd of fierce buffalo whose huge, slashing horns are among the most dangerous weapons in Africa. Although the buffalo are one of her biggest threats, they are also one of her best hopes for survival if she can prevail over them. Yet, even as Ma di Tau faces devastating loss and escalating perils, she becomes part of a stunning turning point in the power dynamics on Duba Island, bringing together a competitive rival pride in a titanic primal bid to preserve the thing that matters most: the future of their bloodlines. |
——这个狮群的头头是一只名叫“银眼”的雌狮,经常猎杀幼崽,因此很危险——“狮子之母”和她脆弱的孩子们必须冒险游过一条有鳄鱼出没的河流。对于“狮子之母”和她的孩子们来说,远方的杜巴岛既是一个避难所,也是一个等待他们去征服的全新的陌生世界。在杜巴岛上,“狮子之母”还得与一群凶猛的水牛相对抗,它们巨大而尖锐的牛角堪称非洲最危险的武器之一。尽管水牛是她面临的一个最大威胁,但只要能战胜它们,它们也是她得以生存的最佳希望所在。然而,就在“狮子之母”损失惨重、危险不断升级之时,杜巴岛上的对阵势力出现了戏剧性的急转,因为“狮子之母”与竞争对手狮群得以和解,并且还联合起来努力争取保护它们血统的未来,而这才是最最重要的事情。 |
The gripping real-life saga of Ma di Tau, her cubs, the buffalo, and the rival pride unfolds inside a stark reality: Lions are vanishing from the wild. In the last 50 years, lion populations have plummeted from 450,000 to as few as 20,000. Dereck and Beverly Joubert weave their dramatic storytelling and breathtaking, up-close footage around a resonating question: Are Ma di Tau and her young to be among the last lions? Or will we as humans, having seen how tough, courageous and poignant their lives in the wild are, be moved to make a difference? |
(China.org.cn Wendy 译)
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