Royal weddings are full of protocol but for guests at Prince William and Kate Middleton's big day how should the key players be spoken to? |
皇室婚礼有很多礼仪规范。在威廉王子和凯特•米德尔顿大婚当日,宾客们该如何称呼这些重要人物呢? |
The wedding reception will feature a traditional receiving line with the couple, Prince Charles and Kate's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Middleton. |
婚宴时,威廉王子夫妇、查尔斯王储、凯特的父母(即:米德尔顿夫妇)将按照传统的方式列队迎宾。 |
You'll be required to address members of the royal family in an appropriate manner. |
遇见皇室家族的成员,称呼须得体。 |

Queen |
女王 |
The Queen should be addressed first with "Your Majesty", and then "Ma'am." |
遇到女王时,第一次称呼要用“陛下”,之后可称呼“夫人”。 |
Never speak unless spoken to. Aim for anything within the public realm and avoid anything private. |
如果女王没有和你说话,则不要抢先开口。聊及的话题仅限于公共领域,而不要涉及私事。 |

Princes & Princesses |
王子和公主 |
If you are concerned about how to address the younger princes or princesses, it's best to consult their office to find out what level of formality they might expect. |
如果你想知道该怎样称呼那些比较年轻的王子和公主们,最好的办法就是咨询一下英国王室办公室,从而了解他们各自对礼节的要求水准。 |
Remember, anyone who has a title "His or her Royal Highness" should be addressed as "Your Royal Highness" for the first time, and subsequently "Sir" or "Ma'am". |
记住:对于任何拥有“殿下”头衔的皇室成员,第一次称呼都要使用“殿下”,之后便可称呼“先生”或“夫人”。 |

神职人员 |
If you are introduced to the Archbishop of Canterbury address him as "Your Grace" or "Archbishop"; the Dean of Westminster is addressed simply as "Dean". |
如果你被引见给坎特伯雷大主教,则称呼他“大人”或“大主教”;对于威斯敏斯特教长,则可简单地称之为“教长”。 |
(Source: Debretts) |
( Wendy 译) |
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