"Independent recruitment is one of the major reforms of the university. If the students take part in the college entrance exam, the efforts to modify the current education system will be destroyed," said Zhang Ming, a professor of the Renmin University of China and a famous educational columnist.
—— Excerpt from Students at reform university refuse to take test
自主招生(independent recruitment)给予高校一定比例的自主权,可以绕过分数真正地选择“个性”学生。曾经闹得沸沸扬扬的北京大学“校长推荐制”(nominations from their headmasters)也是自主招生政策的一种尝试。
高考(National College Entrance Examination)是全球规模最大的标准化考试(standardized test)。从上世纪80年代“千军万马挤独木桥”的景象,到上世纪90年代的扩招(expanding the enrollment of students)热潮,再到新世纪教育改革(educational reform)的层层推进,高考制度也经历了一次又一次的蜕变。
而如今,由于人口出生率下降等原因,高考生源(student pool)持续下降,部分高校将面临严峻的生存挑战。
Colleges and universities across China are facing a challenge due to declining student numbers, according to a new study by China Education Online, reported by Xinhua.
—— Excerpt from Universities hit by falling rolls
今年全国参加高考的考生人数达到933万人,比去年减少15%。录取率(admission rate)预计将达72.3%。
This year, about 9.33 million students will take the exam in China, with a 15 percent decrease compared with last year. The admission rate is reported to be 72.3 percent.
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