Full Text of Hu Jintao's speech at CPC anniversary gathering
An emblem of the Communist Party of China (CPC) is seen surrounded by flowers on the Tiananmen Square in Beijing, capital of China, June 30, 2011. The emblem and flowers were set up to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the founding of the CPC. |
On the way forward, we will continue to vigorously promote the development of socialist democracy and keep to the socialist path of enhancing the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics. |
在前进道路上,我们要继续大力推进社会主义民主政治建设,坚定不移走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路。 |
People's democracy has always been a glorious goal pursued by the CPC. Since the reform and opening up policy was introduced, the Party has reviewed both positive and negative lessons in developing socialist democracy, and it has come to the conclusion that without democracy there can be no socialism and socialist modernization, and that the essence of socialist democracy is that the people determine their own destiny. We have steadfastly promoted the political structural reform and made major progress in developing socialist democracy. We have eliminated de facto life tenure for leading officials, and realized orderly succession of organs of state power and leaders. We have expanded orderly public participation in political affairs, and the people are extensively involved in decision making. We have upheld and improved multiparty cooperation under the leadership of the CPC, carried out political consultation, democratic oversight and participation in the deliberation and administration of state affairs, and developed the broadest possible patriotic united front. We have set up a sound decision-making mechanism that enables us to be fully aware of the conditions of the people, reflect their will, pool their wisdom and lighten their burden to make sure all our decisions meet the people's interests and aspirations. We have set up a sound and dynamic personnel mechanism which attracts large numbers of talented people, puts them to best use and prepares them for both promotion and demotion. This has created wide-ranging opportunities for people to fully tap their potentials. We have established a socialist system of laws with Chinese characteristics. Under this system, the Party willingly operates within the limit set by the Constitution and laws and supports the people's congress, the government, the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and the judicial organs which have independent responsibilities in accordance with the law and their respective charters in working in concert and harmony. We have set up a sound system of checks and supervision over the exercise of power to ensure that Party and state organs exercise their powers in accordance with statutory jurisdiction and procedures. Practices have fully proved that China's socialist democracy is full of vitality and that the socialist path of enhancing the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics is correct and ensures that the people determine their own destiny. |
人民民主是中国共产党始终高扬的光辉旗帜。改革开放以来,我们党总结发展社会主义民主的正反两方面经验,明确提出没有民主就没有社会主义,就没有社会主义现代化,人民当家作主是社会主义民主政治的本质和核心。我们坚持推进政治体制改革,在发展社会主义民主政治方面取得了重大进展。我们废除了实际上存在的领导干部职务终身制,确保了国家政权机关和领导人员有序更替。我们不断扩大人民有序政治参与,人民实现了内容广泛的当家作主。我们坚持和完善中国共产党领导的多党合作,深入开展政治协商、民主监督、参政议政,发展最广泛的爱国统一战线。我们建立健全深入了解民情、充分反映民意、广泛集中民智、切实珍惜民力的决策机制,保证决策符合人民利益和愿望。我们建立健全广纳群贤、人尽其才、能上能下、充满活力的用人机制,为各方面优秀人才建功立业开辟了广阔渠道。我们形成了中国特色社会主义法律体系,我们党自觉在宪法和法律范围内活动,支持人大、政府、政协、司法机关等依照法律和各自章程独立负责、协调一致开展工作。我们建立健全权力运行制约和监督体系,保证党和国家机关按照法定权限和程序行使权力。事实充分证明,我国社会主义民主政治具有强大生命力,中国特色社会主义政治发展道路是保证人民当家作主的正确道路。 |
On the other hand, we must also recognize that the development of China's socialist democratic legal system has not fully met the need of expanding people's democracy and promoting economic and social development. Some specific institutional arrangements of the system of socialist democracy are inadequate, and there is still room for improvement in terms of safeguarding people's democratic rights and giving play to their creativity. As the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics moves forward, so should the cause of building China's socialist democracy. |
同时,我们也要看到,我国社会主义民主法制建设与扩大人民民主和促进经济社会发展的要求还不完全适应,社会主义民主政治的具体制度方面还存在不完善的地方,在保障人民民主权利、发挥人民创造精神方面还存在不足。随着中国特色社会主义事业持续推进,我国社会主义民主政治建设需要也必然会继续向前推进。 |
To develop socialist democracy, we must keep to the path of enhancing the socialist political system with Chinese characteristics. What is important is that the leadership of the Party, the position of the people as masters of the country, and the rule of law should be well integrated. We will actively yet prudently carry out the political structural reform to achieve the fundamental goal that the people should determine their destiny, increase vitality of the Party and the country and fully tap the initiative of the people. We will expand socialist democracy, build a socialist country under the rule of law, and promote socialist political progress. We should ensure that the Party plays its role as the core of leadership in exercising overall responsibilities and coordinating the efforts of all sides, and improve its capabilities to conduct scientific, democratic, and law-based governance. This will enable the Party to lead the people in effectively governing the country. We must see to it that all state powers belong to the people, improve institutions for exercising democracy, diversify its forms, expand its channels, and ensure that the people can participate in democratic elections, decision making, administration and oversight in accordance with the law. We will fully implement law-based governance as a fundamental policy, raise public awareness of the rule of law under socialism throughout society, improve law making, ensure strict law enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and observance of law by everyone and that everything we do is governed by law. In short, we will improve institutions, standards, and procedures for exercising socialist democracy, give greater play to the superiority of China's socialist political system, and provide a better institutional guarantee for promoting prosperity, development, and enduring political stability of the Party and the country. |
发展社会主义民主政治,必须坚持中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,关键是要坚持党的领导、人民当家作主、依法治国有机统一。我们要积极稳妥推进政治体制改革,以保证人民当家作主为根本,以增强党和国家活力、调动人民积极性为目标,扩大社会主义民主,建设社会主义法治国家,发展社会主义政治文明。要坚持发挥党总揽全局、协调各方的领导核心作用,提高党科学执政、民主执政、依法执政水平,保证党领导人民有效治理国家。要坚持国家一切权力属于人民,健全民主制度,丰富民主形式,拓宽民主渠道,保证人民依法实行民主选举、民主决策、民主管理、民主监督。要全面落实依法治国基本方略,在全社会大力弘扬社会主义法治精神,不断推进科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法进程,实现国家各项工作法治化。总之,我们要不断推进社会主义民主政治制度化、规范化、程序化,进一步把我国社会主义政治制度的优越性发挥出来,为党和国家兴旺发达、长治久安提供更加完善的制度保障。 |
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