White-collar workers feel the pressure from inflation

File photo: White collar workers are beginning to feel the squeeze of inflation, as rising prices drag down quality of life for low and middle-income households. |
White collar workers are beginning to feel the squeeze of inflation, as rising prices drag down quality of life for low and middle-income households, Economic Information Daily reported. |
《经济参考报》消息,物价的持续上涨,使白领们也感到通胀的压力,部分中低层白领生活质量下降。 |
Spending on fruit, poultry and eggs, milk powder, fast food, transportation, cleaning products, makeup, garments, education and training accounted for most of white collar workers' consumption. Rising prices on those items have white collar workers feeling the pain of stubborn inflation. |
水果、禽蛋、奶粉、快餐、交通、洗涤化妆、服装等日用品、教育培训支出在白领消费中占大头,这些物品价格的持续上涨,使白领感到实实在在的通胀之痛。 |
Zhou Wei, who works in the Navigational Affairs Bureau of Zhujiang City, earns about 5,000 yuan a month, making her a middle-income earner. But rising prices have made her sensitive to the rising cost of everyday staples. |
在珠江航务管理局工作的周薇每月有5000元左右收入,已算是中等收入群体,但物价上涨也让她开始“敏感起来”。 |
"Since the wages do not rise with commodity prices, I try my best to save money, not to buy a lot of clothes, and take buses or the subway instead of a taxi. In the past I didn't pay attention to the price of fruit, but now I always buy watermelons or apples, which are cheaper and have a longer shelf life," said she.
(China.org.cn July 12, 2011) |
周薇说:“工资不涨物价涨,只能尽量节俭开支,减少购买衣服的频率,出门尽量多坐公交地铁,少打的。以前吃水果从不在意价格,想买就买,现在只能买西瓜、苹果等相对便宜又能存放久一点的水果。” | |
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