A girl under the age of 18 is married every three seconds -- that's 10 million each year -- often without her consent and sometimes to a much older man. |
Child marriage, which steals the innocence of millions of girls worldwide and often condemns them to lives of poverty, ignorance and poor health, is one of the biggest obstacles to development, Reuters reports.
A girl under the age of 18 is married every three seconds -- that's 10 million each year -- often without her consent and sometimes to a much older man. Most of those marriages take place in Africa, the Middle East or South Asia.
Girls forced into early marriage rarely continue their education, denying them any hope of independence, the ability to earn a livelihood or of making an economic contribution to their households.
Girls under 15 are five times more likely to die during pregnancy or childbirth than women over 20. Worldwide, 70,000 girls aged 15-19 die each year during pregnancy or childbirth.
"This is one of the biggest development issues of our time and we're committed to raising the voices of millions of girls married against their will," charity group Plan UK head Marie Staunton said. (点击路透社网站查看原文)
(China.org.cn August 9, 2011) |
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