
Captain Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) is never shipless for long, but he gets more than he bargained for when he comes face to face with ex-flame Angelica (Penelope Cruz) and winds up aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, captained by the infamous Blackbeard (Ian McShane). As it turns out, Blackbeard is in need of the fountain of youth, and he expects that Jack knows where it is and will take him there. He's not the only one looking for the magical elixir, however. |
杰克•斯帕罗船长(约翰尼•德普 饰)离了船的日子往往不会持续太久。然而当他与老情人安杰丽卡(佩内洛普•克鲁兹 饰)狭路相逢时,却有意料之外的收获。杰克被迫登上了安妮女王复仇号,这艘船的船长是臭名昭著的黑胡子(伊恩•麦柯肖恩 饰)。原来黑胡子想要得到不老泉水,他指望着杰克知道那泉眼的位置,能带他去找。然而,正在寻找长生不老药的不止黑胡子一个。 |
Captain Barbosa (Geoffrey Rush), now working for the British, is out to get to the fountain, as are the Spanish. So, Blackbeard is determined to get there first and will stop at nothing. Madcap pirate chaos ensues as the three groups scramble to get to the fountain first, facing treacherous waters along the way. |
巴博萨船长(杰弗里•拉什 饰)此时正为英国人效力,出海寻找不老泉;与此同时,西班牙人也出发了。在这种形势下,黑胡子决定不顾一切也要抢先到达目的地。这三伙人争先恐后地向着泉水所在地进发,一路上历经变幻莫测的水域,引发了海盗之间冲动的大混战。 |
The biggest obstacle facing the adventurers, is that they need a tear from a mermaid in order for the fountain's magic to work. These mermaids ain't no Ariel, though, and capturing one is dangerous business. With the unwitting help of a missionary named Phillip (Sam Claflin), Jack's group is able to acquire the tear, thus putting them at an advantage. In a pirate's game of backstabbing and treachery, though, and advantage never lasts for long. |
冒险者们面临的最大挑战是,他们需要得到一滴人鱼的眼泪才能引发泉水的魔力。然而,捉人鱼可不像莎士比亚戏剧《暴风雨》中制服精灵埃里厄尔那样容易,这是个相当危险的活计。一位叫做菲利普的传教士(山姆•克拉弗林 饰)无意之中帮了大忙,杰克的团伙抢先拿到了人鱼的眼泪。然而,海盗之间的游戏向来都是暗箭伤人、背信弃义,某一方的领先优势从来都保持不了太久。
(China.org.cn Rebecca 译)
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