Rise of the Planet of the Apes |

片名:Rise of the Planet of the Apes
导演:鲁伯特•瓦耶特(Rupert Wyatt)
主演:詹姆斯•弗兰科(James Franco)
芙蕾达•平托(Freida Pinto)
安迪•瑟金斯(Andy Serkis)
汤姆•费尔顿(Tom Felton)
布莱恩•考克斯(Brian Cox)
约翰•利特高(John Lithgow)
The Story

In a nutshell, the story follows Oscar nominee James Franco (127 Hours) as a decent, dedicated San Francisco-based genetic scientist named Will Rodman. His father (John Lithgow) suffers from Alzheimer's and Will's research is focused on finding a cure for that debilitating disease. After five years of working on it, Will believes he's come up with a revolutionary new drug which will repair brain tissue and thus restore the cognitive thought process of Alzheimer's patients. Testing the drug out involves the use of chimps, and when one displays significant intellectual improvements, the company believes Will has created a miracle drug. However, when the chimp -- nicknamed Bright Eyes due to the new green streaks which appear in her irises after the drug's been injected -- is in the process of being prepared to be introduced to the company's financial backers, she goes... well... ape, lashing out at whoever gets in her way, breaking through glass, until ultimately a security guard is forced to shoot her. |
概括地说,这个故事的主线人物是一位在旧金山工作的基因学家,名叫威尔•罗德曼(饰演者詹姆斯•弗兰科曾凭借《127小时》获得奥斯卡影帝提名)。威尔待人和蔼,工作热诚。他的父亲(约翰•利特高 饰)身患老年痴呆症,日渐虚弱;而威尔研究工作的重点就是找到这种疾病的疗法。经过5年的研究,威尔相信自己发明了一种划时代的新型药物,能够修复脑组织,重新构建老年痴呆症患者的认知思维过程。威尔所在的医药公司用一批黑猩猩做了药物试验,其中一只接受试验的黑猩猩表现出了显著的智力提升。公司当即认为威尔创造了一个药物学上的奇迹。这只黑猩猩在被注射新药之后,虹膜上出现了原来没有的绿色条纹,因此被昵称为“亮眼睛”。然而,就在公司准备向投资商们展示“亮眼睛”的时候,她变得疯狂起来,攻击周围所有的人,并打碎玻璃出逃,最终一名保安不得不用枪打死了她。 |
Will's boss calls for the immediate cessation of the experiments and for all the remaining chimps to be euthanized. While going about that heartbreaking task, the animal's chief handler at the drug company, Robert Franklin (Tyler Labine), discovers Bright Eyes was not in fact acting out of rage but was simply trying to protect her new baby which she'd hidden under a bench in her cage. Robert's had enough of putting chimps to sleep and leaves the baby in Will's care to either euthanize or take home. |
威尔的上司紧急叫停了这项试验,并下令将剩下的所有黑猩猩实施安乐死。公司的动物管理负责人罗伯特•富兰克林(泰勒•莱伯恩 饰)亲自执行了这项令人心痛的任务。在此过程中,他发现“亮眼睛”的狂暴行为其实并不是出于愤怒,而仅仅是在试图保护她刚刚出生的宝宝。她把自己的孩子藏在了笼子里一条长凳的下方。罗伯特亲手让众多黑猩猩长眠,这种痛苦快要把他压垮了。于是他把这只小黑猩猩交给威尔处置,任凭他将之安乐死或者带回家抚养。 |
Will chooses to take Caesar home, at first believing this is a temporary situation. But as he and his father bond with the baby chimp, Caesar shows signs of extraordinary intelligence -- and has those same green streaks in these eyes as did his now-deceased mother. In the years that follow, Will teaches Caesar how to communicate through sign language, and with each passing year, Caesar's level of intelligence dramatically increases. But after a disturbing episode involving one of Will's neighbors, Caesar's forced out of the only home he's ever known and into an ape sanctuary run by cruel humans (Brian Cox and Tom Felton) and populated by apes who recognize his difference and mistreat him because of it. However, Caesar's not down for the count long as he uses his astonishing brain power to devise a plan to unite his fellow apes in a revolt against their human captors. |
威尔选择将西泽带回家。开始他以为这只是暂时的举措,然而慢慢地,他和父亲与小黑猩猩之间的感情越来越深,西泽也开始表现出智能超群的迹象。西泽的眼睛和他过世的母亲一样,拥有同样的绿色条纹。在接下来的几年中,威尔教导西泽用手语和人交流,西泽的智能水平也在逐年增长。但是有一天,西泽和威尔家的邻居发生了不愉快的纠纷,西泽因此被强制带离了他记忆中惟一的家,送到一家猿类保护中心。这里的经营人(布莱恩•考克斯、汤姆•费尔顿 饰)十分残忍,居住的其他猿类也因为西泽的与众不同而欺负他。然而,西泽很快便从这些打击中恢复过来,他运用自己令人惊叹的智慧制定了一个计划,他要联合他的猿类同胞对俘获他们的人类发动一场叛乱。
(China.org.cn Rebecca 译)
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