Jobless young will cost global economy

The world population will pass 7 billion by the end of October. Of this 7 billion, 1.8 billion are aged between 10 and 24. |
A UN report warned on Wednesday that the world is in danger of missing a golden opportunity for development and economic growth, as the largest-ever cohort of young people see their most economically productive years wasted, the Guardian reported. |
据英国《卫报》报道,周三,联合国的一份报告警告,世界可能失去发展和经济增长的黄金机遇,因为有史以来最大青年群、最有经济效益的年龄段会白白浪费掉。 |
According to UN forecasts, the world population will pass 7 billion by the end of October. Of this 7 billion, 1.8 billion are aged between 10 and 24, and 90 percent of those live in the developing world. |
据联合国预计,10月底世界人口将过70亿。在这70亿人中,18亿人在10至24岁之间,而其中90%的人生活在发展中国家。 |
The potential economic benefits of having such a large global population of young people will go unfulfilled, as an entire generation suffers from a lack of education, as well as reduced investment in infrastructure and job creation.
( October 28, 2011) |
由于这一整代人缺乏教育,基础设施和创造就业的投入减少,世界如此之大青年群的潜在经济利益无法实现。 | |
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