Civil service exam blamed for discrimination

An investigation of this year's civil service examination has found employment discrimination on the basis of age and health exists for 9,762 government jobs to be filled by the test. |
An investigation of this year's civil service examination has found employment discrimination on the basis of age and health exists for 9,762 government jobs to be filled by the test. The report, released by the Constitution Research Institute at China University of Political Science and Law, also found discrimination in six other categories including gender, ethnic identity, social identity, disability, political background, and physical characteristics. |
中国政法大学宪政研究所发布《2011年国家公务员招考中的就业歧视状况调查报告》。报告显示,调查的2011年国家公务员的9762个岗位,全部存在包括健康和年龄方面的就业歧视,此外在性别、民族、社会身份、残障、政治面貌和身体特征六个方面也存在歧视现象。 |
The report said that 19.1 percent of positions require applicants to be Communist Party of China or Communist Youth League (CYL) members. Gender discrimination was also prevalent -- 15.6 percent of positions have related requirements. Social identify discrimination, mostly with regard to the applicant's residency status, affected 11.5 percent of test takers. Meanwhile, 0.4 percent of positions discriminated on the basis of applicants' physical characteristics. |
报告显示,要求报考人员须为中共党员或共青团员的职位,占总职位数的19.1%。性别歧视也比较严重,占总职位数的15.6%。再次是社会身份歧视,占11.5%。在社会身份歧视中,最为严重的是户籍歧视和地域歧视。此外,身体特征歧视占到0.4%。 |
The report said 92 positions at a branch of the China Civil Aviation Air Police require applicants to be less than 28 years old. But researchers said no scientific data can prove that people over 28 are unqualified for the job, so the requirement is subjective and discriminatory.
( November 22, 2011) |
报告举例说,中国民航空中警察总队系统支队科员的92个职位,均要求“28周岁以下”,但相关专家认为,没有任何科学数据可以证明28周岁以上的人士无法胜任该职务,因此这项要求不仅存在随意性,也构成了年龄歧视。 | |
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