片名:Dolphin Tale
(Charles Martin Smith)
主演:摩根•弗里曼(Morgan Freeman)
艾什莉•贾德(Ashley Judd)
内森•甘宝(Nathan Gamble)
(Harry Connick Jr.)
(Kris Kristofferson)
奥斯汀•斯托厄尔(Austin Stowell)
(Cozi Zuehlsdorff)
The Story

Sawyer (Nathan Gamble) is a good kid who is having a rough time. His grades have suffered, and he has been generally unhappy since his father left. His mother (Ashley Judd), though busy with work and trying to support the two of them, does her best to help him and show she cares. He also has a good relationship with his cousin Kyle (Austin Stowell), but now that Kyle has joined the Army and will be leaving, things with Sawyer seem to be even worse. |
索耶(内森•甘宝 饰)是个好孩子,但是这段时间他过得很不顺。自从父亲离开之后,他一直闷闷不乐,学习成绩也受了影响。索耶的妈妈(艾什莉•贾德 饰)终日忙于工作以养家糊口,但她仍然竭尽所能地帮助他走出困境,让他感受到母亲的爱。索耶和表哥凯尔(奥斯汀•斯托厄尔 饰)的关系不错,不过凯尔参了军,正整装待发。对索耶来说,日子愈发难过了。 |
On the way to summer school one day, Sawyer happens upon a fisherman trying to find help for a dolphin that has been tangled in a fishing net. Sawyer tries to help and comfort the animal, cutting away some of the net that has her bound. The good folks from the Clearwater Marine Hospital come and take the dolphin to their facility, but Sawyer can't forget about her. He goes to visit the dolphin, now named Winter, every day. |
一天,在去暑期学校的路上,索耶偶然遇见一名渔夫在求助。有一只海豚被渔网缠住了。索耶尽力帮忙,安抚那只动物,割断束缚她的渔网。好心的救援人员赶来了,将海豚带回“清水海洋动物医院”医治,但是索耶一直对她念念不忘。他每天都去探望这只海豚。现在,她有了一个名字,叫做“冬天”。 |
Sawyer becomes friends with Hazel (Cozi Zuehlsdorff) and her father Dr. Haskett (Harry Connick Jr.) at the marine hospital, and his unique bond with Winter helps her overcome her challenges. When Winter's tail has to be amputated, she amazingly learns to swim again in a new way, but a difficult obstacle threatens to beat Winter after all. Sawyer's new confidence helps him to find an unlikely answer for Winter, and help his cousin Kyle when he has to come home unexpectedly as well. Many lives are changed for the better, all through the example of one courageous dolphin and the people who refuse to give up on her. |
在海洋动物医院,索耶交到了新朋友——小姑娘海柔尔(科济•齐尔斯多夫 饰),还有她的父亲哈斯科特医生(小哈里•康尼克 饰)。同时,小男孩与“冬天”之间独特的羁绊帮助这只海豚克服了重重困难。“冬天”尾部受伤,不得已要被截去;令人惊叹的是,这只海豚竟然带着残缺的尾巴重新学会了游泳。然而,新的游泳方式带来了新的威胁,如果“冬天”无法冲破困境,她将万劫不复。重拾信心的索耶想出了一个匪夷所思的方法来拯救“冬天”。 凯尔表哥出了意外而离开军队之后,也从小男孩那里获得了帮助。一只勇敢的海豚和那些坚持不肯放弃她的人们,成为了一种象征、一个榜样,很多人的生活都因此而变得更加美好。
(China.org.cn Rebecca 译)
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