Instead of motivating students to achieve better grades, the green scarves visibly brandish them as underachievers. Such a humiliating tactic could damage a child's self-esteem, especially since primary school-age children are especially prone to feeling embarrassed and not wanting to the "odd one out". |
绿领巾不仅没有激励学生取得更好的成绩,相反,它们成了很显眼的“差生”标签。这样带有羞辱性的做法伤害了孩子的自尊心,因为孩子读小学的时候往往都有羞耻心,都不想“落单”。 |
TV presenter Bai Yansong voiced his contention towards the green scarves, whilst wearing a green tie himself on the programme, to show his 'solidarity' towards the 'branded' children. The topic has also evoked intensely debated discussions on Chinese micro-blogging sites. |
为了“声援”这些“烙上标签”的孩子,电视台主持人白岩松做节目的时候系上了一条绿领带,向绿领巾发出了他的抗议声。该话题还在国内微博网站上激起了一阵激烈的辩论。 |
In the wake of the controversy, widespread publicity and condemnation that First Experimental Primary School triggered, the school has halted the use of green scarves. |
第一实验小学的“绿领巾”事件广为人知后,引来了不少争议和谴责,学校的这种做法已经被叫停。 |
There is a sense of relief Chinese students will no longer have to go through the fear and misery of being branded as 'green scarf underachievers'. Forcing a child to wear a symbol that reflects his or her academic underachievement is a tragic humiliation someone so young should not be forced to endure.
( October 29, 2011)
孩子们终于松了口气,不用担心自己被标识为“绿领巾差生”,也不会因此再感到苦恼了。强制要求孩子佩戴这样一个标志来告诉人们他/她的学习成绩不咋样,对于这么小的孩子来说,这样的羞辱是一种不应承受的悲哀。 |
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