Home > The Centenary of the CPC Special Edition

The Reduction of One Million Troops

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The Reduction of One Million Troops

In the mid-1980s, as international tension eased, Deng Xiaoping drew the conclusion that peace and development were now the driving forces in international relations. This had great significance for China's economic development, and particularly its national defense and military commitments. In line with his instructions to reinforce defense and the military as required by China's national modernization, and to build powerful, modern and regularized armed forces, a series of major reforms were carried out in the army.

In June 1985, Deng announced at an enlarged meeting of the Central Military Commission a reduction of the PLA's troop numbers of one million. This involved streamlining the command bodies and the troops, phasing out outdated equipment, merging different army units, and cutting the number of officers to ensure a rational balance of officers and men. From the latter half of 1985 to 1987, the reduction went ahead, involving the command bodies, troops, military colleges and logistics units. By 1990, the PLA force had been streamlined to 3.2 million after a reduction of over 1 million troops. This reshuffle reinforced the armed forces' capacity to protect China's development and modernization in a time of peace. It showcased the confidence of the CPC and the Chinese government, and made a contribution to world peace.





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