Home > The Centenary of the CPC Special Edition

The Gutian Meeting

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The Gutian Meeting

In late December 1929, the Ninth Party Congress of the Fourth Army of Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was held in Gutian, Shanghang County, Fujian Province. This was known as the Gutian Meeting.

At the meeting, Mao Zedong delivered a political report, Zhu De delivered a military report, and Chen Yi conveyed the message of the September letter from the Central Committee. The congress summarized the Party's experience accumulated in its attempts to correct various errors since the Red Army was established. It unified thinking inside the army and advocated that the Party and the army must be built on proletarian ideas.

The congress adopted a resolution drafted under Mao's direction, which identified various non-proletarian ideas circulating in the Party organization in the Fourth Red Army, their sources, and the methods of correcting them. The resolution emphasized the importance of reinforcing ideological education in the Party. It observed that "the Chinese Red Army is an armed body for carrying out the political tasks of the revolution," and that the Party's absolute leadership over the army determined the army's nature, which was a fundamental principle. The document made it clear that in addition to fighting to destroy the enemy's military strength, the Red Army should take on such important tasks as organizing public communications, organizing the people, arming them, helping them establish revolutionary political power and setting up Party organizations. The resolution also defined the correct relationships between officers and soldiers and between soldiers and civilians, and detailed the correct policies toward the enemy.

The congress decided to abolish the Fourth Red Army's Military Committee, and elected 11 formal members to the Front Committee, including Mao Zedong, Zhu De, Chen Yi, Lin Biao (1907-1971) and Tan Zhenlin (1902-1983), with Mao as secretary.

The Gutian Meeting was of special importance in the CPC's history. Gutian was a secluded hamlet in the mountains, but the meeting held there had far-reaching influence. It was not a high-level meeting convened by the CPC Central Committee, but a small one to solve specific problems, and its influence was Party-wide. It heralded the CPC's effort to explore a path of ideological education and building an army with political principles, and from the Gutian meeting on, the new people's army began to develop and expand.





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