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China-Arab States Summit

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

China-Arab States Summit

In December 2022, the first China-Arab States Summit was held in Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia. Chinese President Xi Jinping and more than 20 leaders of League of Arab States member countries and heads of international organizations attended. Xi delivered a keynote speech reviewing the long history of friendly exchange between China and Arab countries and elaborating on the China-Arab friendship that has strengthened over thousands of years. He said that solidarity and mutual assistance are distinct features of the China-Arab friendship, equality and mutual benefits are constant drivers of their friendship, and that inclusiveness and mutual learning are key values inherent to the friendship. Xi proposed eight pragmatic cooperation initiatives in the areas of development support, food security, public health, green innovation, energy security, inter-civilizational dialogue, youth development, and security and stability to chart a path forward for building a closer China-Arab community of shared future.

The Summit issued three outcome documents: the Riyadh Declaration of the First China-Arab States Summit, the Outline of the Comprehensive Cooperation Plan Between the People's Republic of China and Arab States, and a document on Deepen- ing the Sino-Arab Strategic Partnership for Peace and Development. They clearly stated that making an all-out effort to build a China-Arab community of shared future for the new era is the common wish and goal for China and the Arab countries alike.

China and Arab countries account for about a quarter of the total population of the world, and they are important representatives of developing countries and important forces representing major civilizations on the international stage. The first summit between China and Arab countries exerted great international significance and far-reaching historical impact beyond the bilateral and regional scope, fully demonstrating that countries of different regions, cultures, and social systems can learn from each other and develop and prosper together.


2022年12月,首届中国—阿拉伯国家峰会在沙特首都利雅得举行,习近平和20多位阿盟成员国领导人、国际组织负责人出席峰会。习近平在峰会上发表主旨讲话,回顾中阿双方源远流长的友好交往史,提炼跨越千年、历久弥坚的中阿友好精神,指出守望相助是中阿友好的鲜明特征, 平等互利是中阿友好的不竭动力,包容互鉴是中阿友好的价值取向。习近平提出支持发展、粮食安全、卫生健康、绿色创新、能源安全、文明对话、青年成才、安全稳定等中阿务实合作“八大共同行动”,为构建更加紧密的中阿命运共同体规划了前进路径。中阿峰会还发表了《首届中阿峰会利雅得宣言》《中阿全面合作规划纲要》《深化面向和平与发展的中阿战略伙伴关系文件》三份成果文件,明确将全力构建面向新时代的中阿命运共同体作为中国和阿拉伯国家的共同意愿、目标、行动。


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