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Continuous Self-Improvement

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Continuous Self-Improvement

This notion first appeared in The Book of Changes which stated, "Just as heaven keeps moving forward vigorously, a man of virtue should strive continuously to strengthen himself." The ancient Chinese believed that heavenly bodies moved in a vigorous and perpetually forward moving cycle. A man of virtue who follows the Law of Heaven should be fully motivated and work diligently to strengthen himself. This idea reflects the Chinese life philosophy advocating optimism, courage, and self-motivation.

The central traits of Chinese culture are a positive outlook on life and pursuit of self-fulfillment at present and in the real world. Individuals are encouraged to act on their own initiative and work diligently to overcome difficulties and achieve self-fulfillment. In contemporary China, the tradition of constantly seeking self-improvement still inspires and unites the Chinese people.


自强不息出自《周易·乾卦·象传》,原文是“天行健,君子以自强不息”。中国古人认为,天体的运行刚健有力、生生不息,君子为人处世也应效法天体,力求进步, 勤勉不懈,奋斗不止。这一理念反映了中国人积极向上、奋发有为的人生态度,展现了中华民族不畏艰险、乐观奋进的处世精神。


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