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The Grand Canal

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

The Grand Canal

The Grand Canal is an ancient man-made waterway that dates back to the 5th century B.C. during China's Spring and Au- tumn period. With a history spanning over 2500 years, it traverses the North China Plain and the Yangtze Plain, encompassing three sections: the Sui and Tang Grand Canal, the Beijing-Hang- zhou Grand Canal, and the Eastern Zhejiang Canal. Stretching over 3000 kilometers, it passes through eight provincial-level regions and connects the five major river systems, namely the Hai- he River, the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Yangtze River, and the Qiantang River. The canal served as a major artery of transportation between the north and south in ancient China.

The Grand Canal was a massive engineering project built and managed by the state, aimed at ensuring safe transportation of grain and maintaining political stability and national unity. It was also intended to address natural resource imbalances between northern and southern China and development needs, by facilitat- ing large-scale distribution of goods across the country and con- necting the political and economic centers. The canal facilitated economic and cultural exchanges between different regions and played an irreplaceable role in ensuring national security, political stability, economic prosperity, and social development.

One of the greatest engineering marvels of ancient China, comparable to the Great Wall, and a magnificent project of water conservancy, the Grand Canal holds the record for being the longest canal in the world as well as the earliest and largest one ever excavated. In 2014, the Grand Canal was included on the UNESCO World Heritage List.





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