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Chinese Gardens

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Chinese Gardens

China was one of the first countries to create garden art. The art of gardening can be traced back over 3,000 years to the Yin and Zhou dynasties, during which people's aesthetic conceptualization of mountains and waters promoted the emergence and development of classical gardens in China.

Over the centuries, Chinese gardens have gradually developed their unique characteristics and diverse regional styles, driven by the development of society and culture and people's pursuit of an ideal home. Chinese gardens can be divided on a regional basis into northern, southern, Lingnan, and Sichuan gardens. Northern gardens, mostly royal, are characterized by grand scale, majestic architecture, gorgeous colors, and elegant style, with typical examples including the Old Summer Palace (Yuan Ming Yuan), the Summer Palace, and the Chengde Mountain Resort. Southern gardens, usually smaller in size, emphasize flexible use of gardening techniques to showcase the beauty of the world in a small area, such as the Lingering Garden and the Humble Administrator's Garden in Suzhou. Lingnan gardens, influenced by Western architectural culture, often adopt Roman-style arches and Baroque column heads in their layout and components. Well-known examples include the Qinghui Garden in Shunde and the Keyuan Garden in Dongguan. Sichuan gardens, simple in style, often incorporate pas- toral scenery. Some famous gardens commemorate historical celebrities, such as the Du Fu Thatched Cottage and the Wuhou Shrine in Chengdu.




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