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Yingzao Fashi (Standards and Models for Architecture)

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

Yingzao Fashi (Standards and Models for Architecture)

Yingzao Fashi (Standards and Models for Architecture) is a set of books on standards and knowhows of architectures. It was compiled under the auspices of Li Jie (1035-1110), an offi- cial in the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127), and is crowned as the encyclopedia of ancient Chinese architecture.

The revision of Yingzao Fashi was finished in 1100, the third year of Yuanfu period of the Emperor Zhezong's reign in the Northern Song Dynasty. The book comprises 34 volumes, which are divided into four sections. The first two volumes are Zongshi (The General Glossary) and Zongli (The General Reg- ulations), which provide an explanation of the technical terms about constructions and components. Volume 3 to 15 introduces the construction norms regarding 13 types of construction work; volume16 to 28 are about the number of laborers and materials that should be used for each type of work, calculating methods and quality standards; volume 29 to 34 are illustrations of various constructions, including architectural plans, sections, colored plans, etc. Renowned historian of science Joseph Needham believed that these illustrations are much better than the western graphics of medieval cathedrals and the Arabic mechanic graphics in terms of framework combination and accuracy.

Yingzao Fashi systematically summarizes the methods and experience concerning architecture design and construction un- til the Northern Song Dynasty, which epitomizes the excellent talent and outstanding skills of ancient Chinese architects and craftsmen. Being the earliest and most comprehensive book on architecture, as well as the world's first printed and published architectural monograph, Yingzao Fashi has profound influence on the development of architectural craftsmanship in later times.





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