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President of the PRC

By:The Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies

President of the PRC

The president and the vice president of the PRC are elected by the NPC. Citizens of the PRC who have the right to vote and to stand for election and who have reached the age of 45 are eligible for election as president or vice president of the PRC.

The term of office of the president and the vice president of the PRC is the same as that of the NPC.

The president of the PRC, pursuant to the decisions of the NPC and its Standing Committee, promulgates laws; appoints or removes the premier, vice premiers, state councilors, ministers in charge of ministries and commissions, the auditor-general, and the secretary-general of the State Council; confers national medals and titles of honor; issues orders of special pardons; proclaims a state of emergency; proclaims a state of war; and issues mobilization orders.

The president of the PRC conducts state activities and receives foreign diplomatic representatives on behalf of the PRC; and pursuant to the decisions of the NPC Standing Committee, appoints or recalls plenipotentiary representatives abroad and ratifies or abrogates treaties and important agreements concluded with other countries.

The vice president of the PRC assists the president in his or her work. The vice president may exercise part of the functions and powers of the president when so entrusted by the president.

The president and the vice president of the PRC exercise their functions and powers until the new president and vice president elected by the succeeding NPC assume office.






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