Traditional Chinese Medicine in China


China's State Council Information Office issues a white paper on the development of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) in China on Dec. 6, 2016. January 17, 2017

前 言 Preface
人类在漫长发展进程中创造了丰富多彩的世界文明,中华文明是世界文明多样性、多元化的重要组成部分。中医药作为中华文明的杰出代表,是中国各族人民在几千年生产生活实践和与疾病作斗争中逐步形成并不断丰富发展的医学科学,不仅为中华民族繁衍昌盛作出了卓越贡献,也对世界文明进步产生了积极影响。 Humanity has created a colorful global civilization in the long course of its development, and the civilization of China is an important component of the world civilization harboring great diversity. As a representative feature of Chinese civilization, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a medical science that was formed and developed in the daily life of the people and in the process of their fight against diseases over thousands of years. It has made a great contribution to the nation's procreation and the country's prosperity, in addition to producing a positive impact on the progress of human civilization.
中医药在历史发展进程中,兼容并蓄、创新开放,形成了独特的生命观、健康观、疾病观、防治观,实现了自然科学与人文科学的融合和统一,蕴含了中华民族深邃的哲学思想。随着人们健康观念变化和医学模式转变,中医药越来越显示出独特价值。 TCM has created unique views on life, on fitness, on diseases and on the prevention and treatment of diseases during its long history of absorption and innovation. It represents a combination of natural sciences and humanities, embracing profound philosophical ideas of the Chinese nation. As ideas on fitness and medical models change and evolve, traditional Chinese medicine has come to underline a more and more profound value.
新中国成立以来,中国高度重视和大力支持中医药发展。中医药与西医药优势互补,相互促进,共同维护和增进民众健康,已经成为中国特色医药卫生与健康事业的重要特征和显著优势。 Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the Chinese government has set great store by TCM and rendered vigorous support to its development. TCM and Western medicine have their different strengths. They work together in China to protect people from diseases and improve public health. This has turned out to be one of the important features and notable strengths of medicine with Chinese characteristics.

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