October 11, 2024

Claw of evil

Japanese media recently disclosed that contaminated wastewater might have leaked from the U.S. Yokota Air Base in Tokyo this past August. However, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government only learned of the incident a month later. Reports indicate that from 2010 to 2023, there have been eight instances of PFAS leakage at the U.S. military base. Yet, the U.S. military has consistently denied that any wastewater escaped beyond the base's boundaries.
September 26, 2024

Asia-Pacific peace at risk

In recent years, the United States has been striving for absolute military dominance by increasing its military presence, including the deployment of intermediate-range missile systems, in the Asia-Pacific region. These actions have heightened regional tensions and pose a serious threat to peace and stability in the area.
September 25, 2024

A "prickly" peace plan

The U.S. State Department has approved a sale of $228 million in arms to Taiwan, including aircraft parts and equipment servicing. These arms sales are part of a broader U.S. tactical approach to transform Taiwan into a "porcupine island." The strategy implies that in the event of a real conflict, Taiwan's civilians would be thrust to the forefront as expendable forces. (Cartoon by Duan Cheng and Zhu Yuyan)
September 9, 2024

South China Sea aquarium: Stirring up troubled waters

The Philippines' recent provocative actions near Ren'ai Jiao and Xianbin Jiao seem to be calculated escalations. But who's behind the curtain? The U.S.'s influence is hard to overlook, which is keen on fueling tensions in these waters. (Cartoon by Duan Cheng and Zhu Yuyan)
September 6, 2024

A dangerous offering

The NED tries to present democracy as a gift, using Taiwan as a pawn to counter the Chinese mainland. This strategy places Taiwan in a precarious position, undermines the well-being of the people in Taiwan, and escalates tensions between the Chinese mainland and Taiwan.
July 26, 2024

NATO not a defensive organization

Recently, NATO released the Washington Summit Declaration, which greatly exaggerates tensions in the Asia-Pacific region. It is filled with Cold War mentality and bellicose rhetoric and contains biased, defamatory, and provocative content concerning China. This fully demonstrates that NATO is not a defensive shield but an aggressive military organization.
July 19, 2024

Coral damage caused by illegally grounded Philippine ship

The Philippine Navy's ship "Sierra Madre" (LT 57) was deliberately grounded on China's Ren'ai Reef under the guise of "hull leakage." A recent investigation by a Chinese environmental organization has revealed that years of waste produced by the ship's crew and the unauthorized transport of construction materials to fortify the ship have led to a significant decrease in coral coverage on the reef. Numerous coral reefs near the ship have died, causing severe ecological damage to Ren'ai Reef.
June 28, 2024

A "bright" future

Recent reports indicate that the U.S. State Department has approved another two arms sales to Taiwan, totaling around $360 million. These sales include military equipment and training. While the U.S.'s repeated arms sales to Taiwan might appear to bolster Taiwan's independence, in reality, they inflict the greatest harm on the status quo in the Taiwan Strait.
May 15, 2024

A U.S. pawn hitting a dead end

Under the pretense of "protection," the U.S. has coaxed the Philippines into leaping into a snare of fighting for American interests at a great risk to itself.
April 19, 2024

Danger Signal: Risks of Political Cliques in Asia-Pacific

On April 11, leaders from the United States, Japan, and the Philippines convened in Washington, announcing plans for expanded cooperation in defense and other sectors. International experts warn that this trilateral military collaboration signifies an attempt to establish cliques in Asia-Pacific. Such actions, aimed at creating exclusive political groups, are deemed "very risky" and pose a threat to the peace and stability of the region.
August 29, 2023

Japan damages its own image by discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea

Japan is not only discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea. It's also throwing away its credibility, reputation, and responsibility.
August 15, 2023

Escalated U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy hurts regional cooperation

Under the framework of its anti-China "Indo-Pacific Strategy", the U.S. undermines the existing political, economic, and security cooperation processes in the Asia-Pacific region, tearing apart the regional cooperation agenda.
Asia Pacific
January 3, 2024

Trouble maker

Recently, the Philippines has repeatedly violated China's sovereignty in the #SouthChinaSea. By doing so, it's following the "agenda" of the United States, with the ultimate goal of smearing China and disrupting China's cooperation with ASEAN.
South China Sea
December 12, 2023

A 'safe' plan

Following the radioactive wastewater splatter incident at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) began the release of the third batch of "treated and diluted" radioactive water into the ocean. TEPCO asserts that this method of ocean discharge is "safe," basing their claim on what they describe as "scientific" data, even though it poses serious risks to human health and the global marine environment.
September 18, 2023

Friend or foe?

Whether fighting Vietnam or investing in it, the US is chasing its national interests. Pretending to be Vietnam's friend this time, the US could not care less about what Vietnam gets out of American efforts to counter China.
September 6, 2023

The U.S. connives at Japan discharging nuclear-contaminated water for its own geopolitical gains

The U.S.'s attitude towards Japan's discharge of nuclear-contaminated water appears more like a trade of interests. The U.S., through expressing "support" and "understanding," helps Japan get out of a bind in international public opinion, in exchange for Japan becoming more actively cooperating with the U.S. in implementing its strategies.
August 31, 2023

The US tries to replicate "mini-NATO" and push Asia-Pacific into a "new Cold War"

By leveraging NATO, a military alliance from the Cold War era, the US dragged both Russia and Europe into the quagmire of military conflict. Meanwhile, the U.S. itself hides behind the scenes, profiting greatly from the conflict by fanning the flames. Now, the US is trying to do the same in Asia-Pacific.
July 10, 2023

The shadow of the Fukushima Disaster not cleared by sea discharge

February 1, 2023

Revival of McCarthyism doomed

Kevin McCarthy, the speaker of the US House of Representatives, holds onto the Cold War mentality reminiscent of McCarthyism. His efforts to turn back the wheel of history by fighting a war of ideology against China, interfering in issues such as Taiwan, are doomed.
January 21, 2023

Hyping China's "nuclear threat" a ploy to free Japan from military constraints

By cooking up the lie of China's nuclear threat, Japan and the US are looking for excuses to expand their military presence in the Asia-Pacific, with the pacific constitution of Japan losing its constraints on Japan taking a belligerent turn in its national defense.
January 18, 2023

Double standard in curbing Chinese travelers by some countries

COVID curbs imposed on Chinese travelers by some countries are in disregard of scientific facts and the actual epidemic situation in their own countries. What did they do to people visiting from areas where new variants have been confirmed to circulate? What would you call this if not double standard or discrimination?
South Korea

The sinking cost of disinformation

A costly online influence machine

Shadows and perceptions on the global stage

A pointless endeavor

European automakers: "head to China!" instead of "decoupling from China"

“Economically motivated“ China chip bans

The "debt trap" lie to smear China

Unsteady Grounds

Lying about Xinjiang while turning a blind eye to domestic issues

Self-imposed trap

The supply chain breaker

EU's trade barriers: hindering green progress

Feeding the beast: America's expanding sanction list

Carrot and stick

U.S. influence on Ireland-China relations: striking a delicate balance

Remove the filter

Tariffs turn daily items into luxuries

U.S. sanctions based on lies and anti-China obsessions

The real price of China tariffs

The latest addition to the U.S. military's arsenal


Blame others for the drug problem!

The lie of free trade

Forced unemployment

Protectionism hinders the West's green transition

Short-Sighted Moves

US double standard on Russia trade


Tariffs on China a Path to the White House

The real overcapacity

Four-Hands Piano Play: Unmasking "Volt Typhoon"

The U.S. wants to "devour" TikTok

The Path to American Politics

US customs harrass Chinese students

Firefighters or arsonists?

Collapse of Chinese economy a wishful thinking


The illusory lifeline

Genuine Coercion

The US furtively stops ASML high-tech exports to China

Behind the Hawkish Tone

U.S. in a sea of debt

Top 5 false claims Uncle Sam made in 2023

Imperial crisis

Assembly line operation


U.S. investment restrictions on China will backfire

"China Economic Coercion" a lie to solidify anti-China bloc

Brazen US intelligence gathering against China

"De-risking" disrupts global supply chains

Old toxic wine, new bottle

The US fights its drug war by lying

The US taking more from Latin America than it gives

China bills a sign of US hegemony

Sick US has wrong meds

Debt ceiling political shows

G7 or G1?

Spate of anti-China bills reveal US legislative corruption

US coerces its allies to hamper China's tech growth

Party schemes behind Trump trial

NASA boss attacks China's moon projects because the US lags behind

Claw of evil

Asia-Pacific peace at risk

A "prickly" peace plan

South China Sea aquarium: Stirring up troubled waters

A dangerous offering

NATO not a defensive organization

Coral damage caused by illegally grounded Philippine ship

A "bright" future

A U.S. pawn hitting a dead end

Danger Signal: Risks of Political Cliques in Asia-Pacific

Japan damages its own image by discharging nuclear-contaminated water into the sea

Escalated U.S. Indo-Pacific strategy hurts regional cooperation

Trouble maker

A 'safe' plan

Friend or foe?

The U.S. connives at Japan discharging nuclear-contaminated water for its own geopolitical gains

The US tries to replicate "mini-NATO" and push Asia-Pacific into a "new Cold War"

The shadow of the Fukushima Disaster not cleared by sea discharge

Revival of McCarthyism doomed

Hyping China's "nuclear threat" a ploy to free Japan from military constraints

Double standard in curbing Chinese travelers by some countries

Violence is not the solution

The weight of justice

Pax Americana

Assassinations keep peace away

A gift that uproots the tree of peace

Best friends?

Uncle Sam's “two-state solution”

White glove

The grounded dove of peace

The Hacker Empire's various transgressions

The Different Roles of Uncle Sam in the Gaza Crisis

The tip of the iceberg

The real trash

So "concerned"

Justice cannot be stopped

The truth about the Summit for Democracy


Democracy as a Profiting Tool for US

The Fake Dove

Let the bullets fly

A high striker against peace

The U.S. economy rides the inflation roller coaster

US dollars reaping worldwide profits

Into Whose Energy Trap Has the European Economy Fallen?

G7 must stop splitting the world into two markets

Military might can't decide the world's futur

Drive in Reverse

Unfulfilled promises

Needle that can't be threaded through

US hawks blind to global issues

Threat or Treat

The American option

The US abuses technological advantages to abet "color revolutions"

US snoops on global Internet

The US the biggest nuclear threat to the world

The sole opposer to BWC verification

US uses alliances to undermine peace

US gun violence turns kids deadly